APOTHEOSIS BLUES Character Sheet Instructions Those who have worked with MS Excel before will find this easy. For those who haven’t, it’s still easy. This spreadsheet is already set up to compute all the Derived Values for you. All you have to do is input the character data and edit the formula for computing Quintessence. 1. Put check marks next to the character’s primary Element and primary Aspect. 2. Click in the cell with the Quintessence value (it will show a 3 before editing). The formula will display at the top of the window. 3. Replace the 0s in the formula with the cell values for primary Element, primary Aspect and complement Element. For example, if the character has a primary Element of Water and a primary Aspect of social the cell values to be placed in the formula are E29, E31 and G29 (the cell value for Air). The formula should read E29+E31+G29+3. Hint: everything for Earth is in the C column, Water is in the E column, Air is in G and Fire is in I. All of the Elements are in row 29, physical Aspects are in row 30, social in row 31 and mental in row 32. 4. Fill in the box for the character’s current Ascension Tier. All starting characters are at the Demigod tier, so that box is filled in for you.