Tim Morgan

Letter of Patent

Friday, January 25th, 2008

Letter of Patent, Tim Morgan – 1 page RPG, 2007

In Letter of Patent, players take on the roles of knights at a late medieval tournament. Knights participate in jousts and melee competitions, while trying to meet ladies and better themselves socially.

Characters are made by creating their letter of patent, a list of the knight’s ancestors. Depending on the stock of their forebears, their own stats and abilities are formed. Combat is simple, yet includes rules for damage to self, horse, equipment and even reputation.

LoP uses six stats: Melee (used to attack while on foot), Joust (used to attack while on horseback), Shield (used to defend, either on foot or on horse), Romance (used for influencing women), Honor (used for interactions with men), and Wealth (a measure of the character’s fortunes). Each are abbreviated with their first letter.