Tad Kelson

Welcome to Intrigues

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

A RPG dealing with the finding and acquiring of artifacts for art dealers and connoisseurs.

The Setting

Welcome to Intrigues is a RPG dealing with the finding and acquiring of artifacts for art dealers and connoisseurs. In it the players take on the roles of thieves, informants, spies, fences, middle men, working the Art Circuit to find

and obtain rare Artifacts, Art Objects, Paintings, Sculptures, etc to sell to the highest bidder. The time frame is less important than the mood and feel. It can take place in the middle ages, where stealthy courtiers make their way into bandit kings good graces to make off with illuminated manuscripts. It can take place in the 16s to 18s dealing with items taken from the various far flung colonies to sell to wealth European merchants.

It can easily take place in the 2th to 21st century, taking clues from modern movies and video games for inspiration. Feel free to chose a time frame that suits the personality of the players. Then come up with some characters, perhaps invent a false name for a cover for the players working together. Then the GM can come up with a few potential patrons, let the players start to research real art objects, collectibles, artifacts and take off from there.


Friday, September 22nd, 2006

People and things live their lives out without ever knowing what lies around the next corner. Well in the world of Angles, Corners and Intersections, strange things come and crawl out of the hidden places in reality to maim, mutilate, torture and consume innocents. Your characters are normal people, caught up in an abnormal struggle for survival. Set in the current modern world, only the few players know there are things beyond the easy sight of Man, and because they know about it are hunted and hunt the self-same creatures.


Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

This is a game of roles.

Taking on the roles of investigators into the strange and unusual in all genres and settings

In this game the players take the role of adventurers, thrill seekers, secret agents, whatever all on the path to finding the truths in the world.

It is much like a first person shooter style video game in that the adventures are supposed to be linear, damage heals in between games and death is not at all permanent.

During a Session:
The characters fight and overcome various monsters, villains, defeat traps and potential solve puzzles. The person running that session using the Backstory and Genre as inspiration orchestrates all this. While during a Session the characters can find better weapons, armor, gear, special devices to give them special attributes, abilities, Temporary or Permanent Adds to their scores or heal or negate a previous Restart potentially allowing for an add to their Persistence for finding such a powerful item.

The Stalk Across All Worlds

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

This is a game about ice age hunters using magic,spirits and drumming to follow blood thirsty creatures and monsters from the world to other worlds, to the spirit realms to seek them out and destroy them.

The Rule of 5 RPG

Monday, February 28th, 2005

The Rule of 5 is a role playing game set in a dystopic world. This has rules, has some background and real lame character sheet.

For the 24 Hour RPG Challenge
Started at 7: AM EST on 2.28.5
Finished at 9: PM EST on 2.28.5

This is my first attempt at a complete RPG. I have had several ideas in the past, and have jotted down notes. This is the first one that has been completed. Additionally it is a submission for the 24 Hour RPG Challenge. Which states you have from your start time to your stop time a total of 24 consecutive hours to make a RPG. So here is my first one. I hope you like how it ended up. I have enjoyed the creation process. Welcome to the State of UnGrace and the poor souls who live there.