Scott Beattie

Casefile: ZODIAC

Sunday, January 8th, 2006

A Free RPG – Weird 1970’s Espionage

Behind the velour wallpaper, under the bean bag, crouching in the grimy recesses of the shag pile carpet there is strangeness. A deep, messed up kind of strangeness that goes beyond the mind altering effects of macrame? or the strange popularity of the Bay City Rollers. You may live your grim 9 to 5 life, worry about the energy crisis, worry about the bomb, worry about freaks and punks next door but what you really should be worried about are the things you don t even know exist.

I am talking about aliens without fashion, big crime, 18 degree angels, funk sucking ghosts, discotheque gods, Agents of D.I.R.T., demonic swinger parasites. All these and more. The worst thing is they are organized, they call themselves ASTROLABUS and their plans for the future do not involve you. If they had their way, you won t be here to see the eighties in. That nice new suburb of yours? Just a death camp with lawn ornaments.

But, what do you know, we are organized too. Since the late fifties we have come to know about them (all the different thems). At first we were castigated, called nuts, the men in white coats came like seagulls on a sandwich. But slowly and surely we made connections, found out there were others who had seen what we had seen. Most of us came from the espionage scene, it was our business to go poking around where no one was meant to be. But we made other allies too, occultists, mad, er fringe scientists, ecologists, hustlers and funk cosmonauts.

We knew the world was in trouble. We knew no one else was going to do anything. Steve McQueen is dead. We formed ZODIAC.

Casefile: ZODIAC can be downloaded from

Mr Chairman, I am afraid that I can offer little more information to this inquiry. The ZODIAC organization exists, clearly, but they are so covert, so shrouded in secrecy we have discovered little of their agenda or even their modus operandi. This much is certain – they have compromised national security, have destroyed key strategic plans in the South American theatre of operations among others and, Mr Chairman, I don?t think it is an exaggeration to suggest that ZODIAC are as big, if not bigger a threat to the United States and the free world as the communist menace.
– Agent James Casey Jones, to the Select House Committee on International Cabals and Terror

I have seen some nasty shit over the years, hell I have been the cause of a lot of it. One thing is for sure, when the cards are down there is no one you want in your corner more than those ZODIAC guys. Whether it?s a genital eating demon or an alien home appliance with a fierce imagination, ZODIAC always comes through. They?ve tapped into a special brand of mojo, they?ve pulled the world off the brink of disaster more times than I can count, and no one even knows they exist.
– Willard D. Merton, the ?Bananas in Pyjamas? Killer, two days before execution

Now my pretties, you must destroy ZODIAC. You must destroy them utterly with your groovy stings of stingy doom. Bwahhaahahahahahah. -hack- -hack- owww!
– Mycroft Penningworth, ?The Bee Master?, agent of ASTROLABUS