Rune Valle

The Perfect Laws

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

Take the roles as contenders in a great competition. As part of this you are given a formidable task: In a simulation, build the perfekt world togeter with your contenders! The prize for the winner: Become an important piece in shaping the future of our world.

The Cabberian global research facilities is seeking personnel for an important research experiment. As you are probably aware we recently solved the world’s energy problems once and for all by finding the final key to unlimited energy absorbing. The possibilities this opens is as you can probably imagine completely wast. We are thereby reluctant to release this power use to the public before having mapped the possible consequences of this. Our conclusions is at this stage that as the society is today, total chaos and probable destruction of all humanity would have been a likely result. As this is rather unfortunate we have collected the permission from all the worlds governments to research in ways to change the whole order of the world so that mankind may safely benefit from this new groundbreaking discovery.

We are for the time being working on the ancient theory that the best system of government would have been the one made by a committee that after they were done was killed, and reincarnated as something completely random. Thereby having to live in the system they created in their former life. This have by obvious reasons not been possible to arrange at any earlier opportunity, but now it seem like giving a rather fair simulation of this could be possible. There is however quite a bit more research necessary before actually carrying out a project of this dimensions are possible.

This is where you come in; We need a handful of test subject to test out a very simple version of a model we have developed. And worry not, you will not be killed, or harmed in any other way. There is no qualifications at all, except the ability to communicate in English. We want an as broad audience as possible in order to minimize the chance that anything or anyone is forgotten. We have two kind of positions:

  • You are going to create an entire world, together with laws governing how this world is working. One of you will also get the task of overseeing that everything works after the intentions of the second stage of the project. This assignment goes over only two days two weeks apart.
  • You are going to live in the (hopefully) perfect world created by the first group. This is a one day assignment, but requires a bit preparation time. You will be given the laws and a short description of the world one week before having to enter, and are expected to have a understanding of these.

As a part of this test we also run a competition. One of those who are chosen to participate have the chance to win the grand price of continuing to work with us on how to shape the future of all humans, and is reserved a place in the final committee that eventually will constitute the new order.
(Part of a global advertisement program)