Raven Daegmorgan


Sunday, October 16th, 2005

When everything goes to hell, you’re the first ones they call, because the Intergalactic government doesn’t have to pay you or worry about what happens if you die. You’re eXpendable.

Note: I am aware that this is quick and dirty looking: it was written in three hours while at work while on some funky meds for a bad head cold/flu. Despite being very rough, it is a serious attempt.

Expendables are skilled convicts serving out their sentences by performing highly dangerous missions in return for the Galactic Republic coummuting their sentence. The unfortunate truth is that Expendables rarely survive long enough to benefit from this commution, but those who choose this course do so because the short life of an Expendable is of better quality than any length of life in prison and for the chance at an early parole (if they survive that long).

Very few petty criminals ever take on the role of an Expendable because the chance at freedom and likelihood of death when compared to their total sentence is not worth it; instead, most Expendables are hardened criminals looking at extensive sentences that would otherwise be served out in brutal prison camps for a lifetime or more.

Expendables take five-year service comittments to the program. 1 in 1 does not survive that time. At the end of their service, should they survive, their record is cleared and their time is considered served. They are allowed to return to society as a full citizen of the Galactic Republic and are given a soldier’s pension. Expendables who die in the line of duty can expect any immediate family to be adequately compensated for services rendered.

It should be noted that of those criminals who survive the service, few return to criminal activity. Most are hired by the Republic to serve as part of crack military or intelligence teams.