Moyra Turkington

Crime and Punishment

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

In the world of procedural crime dramas, there are two separate yet equally important groups: the writers who dream up the episodes and the actors that bring them to life. This is their RPG. Time Constraint: 1 session of 2 hours Ingredients: Law, Team, Actor (+”Steele”)

About the Game:

“Here’s to wearing a badge, carrying a highpowered sidearm, and hopefully being right more often than we’re wrong.”
~Lennie Briscoe, Law & Order, ?For God & Country?

In Crime & Punishment players take on the roles of writers and actors in a procedural drama. In the first half of the game, players create story elements that will entice each other?s investment. In so doing, they earn resources for the second half of the game when they will need them to purchase time and glory in the spotlight of the drama they have created.