Mischa Krilov

Tapas: the Sampling

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Tapas are small snacks or dishes served as appetizers or small dishes in between full courses. The word is Spanish, but the concept is similar to eating family style Chinese, or going through a Middle Eastern meal consisting exclusively of appetizers. In gaming, “tapas” means any small one-shot game using different characters, plots, storylines, and even game systems as compared to a regular long-running game or campaign, often played catch-as-catch-can with whoever can make it that evening.

Game Chef 26 Notes for Judges

This Game Chef 26 entry, in keeping with the popular culinary theme of the competition, consists of several such tapas; in this context, however, they serve as a sort of intermezzo for other, fuller and more complete entries. (Or should that be entr?es?) The Time theme this year did not sit as well with my muse as it has with others, so Judges, please consider Tapas: the Sampling as a complete game utilizing all available time ranges and selections from both packages of ingredients. If you feel the need to judge more harshly due to my not strictly following the instructions, feel free; but regardless, know that I present Tapas: the Sampling as a complete game consisting of minigames, as opposed to judging each individual dish on the full criteria.

Tapas: the Sampling was written at the last minute, in just under thirty-six hours, after nearly a full week of percolating.

Plucky Little Ron

Thursday, October 13th, 2005

Take on the role of Ron Edwards in this satrical futuristic entry in the October 25 Ronnies!

This game simulates the situation faced by Ron Edwards after the fall of the Forge in the future. This is a solitaire game, and your goal is to preserve the promotion, creation, and reviewing of independent role-playing games and defeat the oppressing forces of mainstream game design.


Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

Action! Ancient evil! Mysticism! Kung fu! Gunplay! Players are members of a highly trained secret society of martial artists and mystics known as the Brotherhood, trying to save humanity from the assemblage of mind-destroying alien horrors from beyond called the Drove. This is an entry to the October 25 Ronnies, using Fight and Cosmos as the keywords.

This is a game about ass-kicking and mad cosmic power. Each player represents a member of a highly trained secret society of martial artists and mystics known as the Brotherhood, trying to save humanity from the assemblage of mind-destroying alien horrors from beyond called the Drove. Reality pulses to the tick of a cosmic clock. Every eight hundred and forty-seven years the battle must be fought again, else reality as humanity knows it will slip away, to be replaced by something else. Now that the cycle is at an end, rumors have surfaced within the cloister that it is possible for one human, after surviving the battle, to sit at the throne and shape the cosmos for the next twenty-eight generations.

1984 Prime

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

1984 Prime is a roleplaying game set in the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which escalated into World War Three in late October of 1962. The players are members of the first scouting expedition to leave their shelter, the HAVEN, and face the surface.