Mike Sugarbaker

You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

Owlbears have always ruled the Forest, more or less. Lately, things are pretty much about gathering up honey from the hives in local trees. Your boss doesn’t have a very satisfying explanation for this, but it’s not as if you’ve thought of anything else to do with your life, and it pays the bills. But what’s it all for? What explains the strange things you’ve been seeing? And does the guy with the most honey really win?

This game is part of the BPG Owlbear Challenge.

Getting Ready to Play

  1. Enlarge and print the map of the Forest (or draw it to fit) on an 8.5?x11? sheet of paper.
  2. Print and cut apart the Goal cards.
  3. Gather up 3 to 5 players willing to play a board game where some of the rules just result in amorphous story-telling rather than anything really happening and you aren?t allowed to know how you win.
  4. Place 1 Bee tokens (pennies are appropriate) and 5 Honey tokens (yellow glass stones are good) on each Hive space on the Forest board.
  5. Have each player create their Owlbear character, as described below.

Creating Your Owlbear

  1. Choose a name. “Steve” is appropriate, although if everyone picks Steve that?ll be confusing. All Owlbears have the surname Owlbear.
  2. Assign 8 points between your two attribute scores. Your attributes are Owl and Bear. The number of points you put into your Owl attribute will come into play when your Owlbear does things like flying, thinking, seeing, and civil negotiation. Your Bear attribute will be used for things like running, fighting, lifting things, intimidation, and eating. Use your better judgment.
  3. Find a small token to represent your Owlbear. It should be different from other people?s.
  4. Place your Owlbear?s token on any Roost space on the Forest board.
  5. Take two Honey tokens and put them in front of you. Your Owlbear has these to start with.