Michael Selvaggiopage

Comp Time

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

The year is 2116 AD. The world is divided by two super powers; the corporation known as IBS (Itty Bitty Software), and the country of New Hampshire. The head of IBS is the Mega Trillionaire William Doors inventor and sole owner of Pre Comp-nition, the most powerful Computer System in the Solar System. Using time travel William Doors placed his super silicon neutron computers in the 2th and 21st centuries.

The way Pre Comp-nition works is if a customer has a question of any kind the question is sent into the past where the super silicon neutron computers have more than one hundred years of ?COMP TIME? to work on the problem. The answer is given to the client immediately after the question is made. The company also has a ?D?j? vu Contract?. For an extra fee the answer is supplied before the question is asked.

The Pre Comp-nition facilities embedded in the past where huge due to the time portal equipment and cyber bowling alleys required by union regulations. This is why they had to be disguised as shopping malls.

All Pre Comp-nition facilities known as ?Malls? were issued ?Temporal Beacons? with a panic button. If the panic button is pushed a message is sent to IBS HQ signaling the need for emergency help. Before the recovery team (ingredient one) is sent a ?First In? team is injected to gather a pre-recovery report and to make sure a ?Time Tare? hasn?t developed. If atomic cleansing is not required a hardened Para military team known as The Mall Rats are sent to track down the Temporal Beacon, reestablish communications with the personnel and restore the Computers to full operation. That?s your job.