Michael Miller

Play Right!

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

You’ve got tired, worn-out stories. You’re surronded with them. The same-old, same-old. But, you and your fellow committee members will learn how to Play Right! with those old ideas and make them as new, vibrant and cool as a newly-minted game!

If you?re reading this, you?re within the reach of the 21st century American cultural sphere. Which probably means that, like me, you?re swamped with media: movies, the Internet, TV, books, newspapers, comics, magazines, games bombard us constantly. Some offer food for thought, insightful commentary, soul-elevating pathos, or spiritlifting humor. But those are few and far between. Most simply steal hours of our lives away, leaving us emptier than when we began.

Isn?t it about time to reclaim some meaning from those lost hours?

This game will show you how to do that in exactly ten hours, one hour at a time. To play, you?ll need a number of glass beads in multiple colors, a pack of index cards, and a bunch of standard, six-sided dice. Gather a group of committee members together to reinvigorate a story. Call your meeting to order. Pick a story you?re all more-or-less familiar with. It could be from folklore, the newspaper, a movie or anything else. All that matters is that it excites the imaginations of everyone in the committee. Talk briefly about what was wrong?what you didn?t like.