Michael Mendoza

Ancient Dreams, Glass Towers

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

Ancient Dreams, Glass Towers is a team game where four players and a GM re-enact the war between Humans and Dragonlords in the prehistory of The Fifth Hour to determine how history will remember them. It’s up to you to decide who will be the hero and who will be the villain!

Ancient Dreams, Glass Towers is broken down into 3 Phases. In the first Phase, Character Generation, players decide their role in their game. Character Generation takes 1 minutes.

There is one GM, plus one General and one Sorceror for each side. This makes four players (Dragonlord General, Dragonlord Sorceror, Human General, Human Sorceror) and one GM.

In the second Phase, War, the Human and the Dragonlord sides fight a series of five battles, each lasting 1 hours, or one day, at a different Glass Tower. Each battle takes 2 minutes, with each hour of battle lasting two minutes.

In the third and final Phase, Committee, the score for each side (Human and Dragonlord) is calculated and it is determined how history will officially remember them. The committee phase lasts 1 minutes.