John Pace

Guild Hunters

Tuesday, November 8th, 2005

GUILD HUNTERS is a fantasy game with six main races: Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Halflings, ,and Minotaurs. In GUILD HUNTERS you play a meber of a guild in the human city of Council Bluffs. In Council Bluffs reputation is everything you you need to gain lots. Without repuitation no one takes you for a person or a guild and with too much reputation people and guilds come looking for you to build there own reputation on taking you out. Reputation becomes almost a catch-22 where you need it and then you have to defend it. The players and the GM will define what a guild is and what they should do as a guild. A guild could be 2 people looking to grow bigger by building more terf. A guild could be the whole group banding togeather to sell there skills and go out adventuring for glory. A guild could be merchants banding together to get better prices. The game is left open so many different people can play the game different ways.

The game uses a new 3D12 system for the rules. There are 7 main attributes and each main attribute has 2 sub attributes to it. The sub attirbutes cover the skills and the main attributes cover magic defense and other random things. You have a number of actions normally around 6 depending on what weapon you use. You get actions from 3 places: you weapon, weapon style, and everyone gets 2 normal actions. You have hit points for each of the 6 locations: Head, torso, left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm. The weapon damage is fixed with no dice rolling but the weapon damage to hit points is so that even a dagge can kill someone with 1 turn.

Magic in the game is free flowing. There are no magic points or spells to remember. You cast spells as you think them up so you can have a different spell every time if you wanted. The game uses 7 charts to determine your spell where you only need to use 4 of them to make the spell work. Magic is a big part of this world and everyone in the world can cast magic, though many do not or if they do only simple spells. If you fail a spell by 1 or more you take half the affect of the spell. People casting the spells need to think about there spells and the outcome.

Welcome to the world of GUILD HUNTERS. GUILD HUNTERS is a fantasy game. It has everything you have come to expect from a fantasy game with a new twist on things. The GUILD HUNTERS setting is about the thrill, power, and danger that comes from being in a guild. In GUILD HUNTERS you join or create a new guild in the city of Council Bluffs. The purpose of playing this game is to gain as much personal reputation and guild reputation as you can and survive being a guild member. Sounds simple doesn?t it? As you can reputation you are taking reputation from other people and guilds. The more well known you become the more people who want to eliminate you and your guild. This is so for 2 reasons. Reason one is because if guilds lower than your reputation take you out then they gain reputation for being the guild to get rid of you. The other problem is the reputation you get the more you are stealing from other people and no one likes to be up staged.

You will not do this alone however for you can gain allies to help you with your raise to glory, as long as you help with their raise to glory. The course you take to greater reputation and glory varies as greatly as a man. You could take jobs here and there and do well at them and gain the praise of the people you work for, you could blackmail and bribe peers and city officials to make sure your reputation goes up, you could use your steal and cut down all that oppose you and your guild, or you could simply buy out your competition building a huge empire, the list is nearly endless in what you can do.

With all of the backstabbing, bribing, and down right hunting of power in Council Bluffs is not safe for a guild up and raising, but that is what makes it fun. To beat out all others around you and claim the glory that is so rightfully yours. Can you survive? Can you live long enough for your story to be told around the bar? Do you have the wits to become a legend in your own time? Well play and find out.

GUILD HUNTERS is a very dangerous world setting. Combat is fast paced so even the strongest, toughest person could be brought down in one action if it was thought out well enough. If the combat does not kill you the magic might. Magic is very powerful and very deadly. Because magic is everywhere and in everything all players are mages and can wield magic.