John Barnes


Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005

Nameless is a simple and customizable fantasy game system. It was designed from a role playing perspective and should be simple to learn, implement and expand upon if so desired.

Nameless is a project formed for the 24 Hour RPG by the wannabe writer and game maker John Barnes. Nameless is the continuing effort by John to create an RPG based in a fantasy world which actually worked.

This project originally started as an effort by John to create a replacement for Dungeons and Dragons in his group. At the time he was very disgruntled with the rules set and the lack of customization which he wanted to better create his characters which were “stifled” by the class system. This turned into the failed game Realms Guard which was abandoned because in the end it was nothing more than trying to make D&D fit the classless system John envisioned. Realms Guard was started up a second time from a different perspective but again failed miserably.

John then branched off into a game he called Nameless (couldn’t think of a name at the time) based around an idea he had. It evolved into Spirit Bound and eventually shaped into Witch & Hunter which was near completion at the time of this writing.

Somewhere around now John found out about the 24 Hour RPG and decided it might be a good time to go back to his original endeavor to create a fantasy RPG. This was especially sparked by conversations with a good friend of his which for the last five years has played a significant part in John’s RPG playing.