Jean-Francois Cabirol

MicroFudged DIP

Monday, September 14th, 2009

A year or more ago I found 1KM1KT and discovered a whole world of innovative game designs delivered for free to the roleplaying community. Among them, Timothy Dedeaux has given us two gems, Edge of the century and DIP-Styx. When I read these two games I realized that I could seemlessly adapt their conflict resolution system to Fudge and make Fudge even more abstract, which is, in my opinion a required feature for a universal gaming engine. No need to flip tens of pages anymore to compare the various weapons and vehicles listed by technology eras to build a complete weapons and armour list for your gaming universe. But Tymothy Dedeaux’ works also gave me the opportunity to implement the Story Element detailed in Fudge. The goal is to get rid off the rigid turn based resolution system inherited from the “Great old one” and to produce a cinematic action resolution system where fun is the key.

Based on Steffan O’Sullivan’s Fudge RPG, David Bruns’ Micro Fudge,
Timothy Dedeaux’ DIP-Styx and Edge of the Century.
Psionic powers based on Empire Galactique by François Nedelec,
range table taken from MegaTraveller published by GDW