Jaap De Goede

Ringworld Zombie

Friday, June 29th, 2012

RINGWORLD ZOMBIE is a fast paced, fully illustrated, Game Master-less role playing game set on a 1 mile ringworld, involving you – prisoners – and ZOMBIES. You may start playing straight away, reading the intro, and learning the rules as you move along.

It was written for the 24-hour RPG contest Little Spaces in June 2012.

Some Blurb:

Approaching the 1-mile Space Island, you note that something is askew. Many of the solar glass domes have been torn out, and the steel cables of one of the spokes slowly dangle into space. A few lights seem to be burning inside the ring, but most of the surface has gone dark. The few glimpses you can get when the sun shines through the ruptures look apocalyptic.

You try to warn the pilot and the guards, but they ignore your screaming, leaving you in your confined docking cell. Then, when the rotation of your shuttle finally reached twentyfive second rotation, synchronising your sick stomach with the rotating prison, a deep click rumbles through the floor and walls. Almost without warning the airlock sizzles and opens. You quickly grab your masks and put them on.

A deep metal chasm extends downward. There is no lift. You hesitate, but then the electric current through the floor of your cell prods you painfully. You have to go in.

“Is this place dead?”
“I thought I heard something”
“That’s your breath, dumbass”
“No, I heard something too”


SSN-589 USS Scorpion Down

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

It is late in May 1968, in the middle of the Cold War and the Vietnam conflict. Far out in the Atlantic, Nuclear Attack Sub Scorpion breaks all radio contact. Then, for reasons unknown, the vessel sinks to critical depth. Its hull cracks. 99 men and women are lost. What happened?

You are captain, crew and VIP guests on board, starting twenty-four hours earlier. Will you learn what went wrong? Can you change history, and save their lives?

SSN-589 DOWN is a role playing game written for the 24-hour RPG competition of May-June 2012. It’s fast paced, GM-less, cooperative and competitive at the same time, and best with three players or more. All you’ll further need is these rules, a deck of playing cards, a different pawn for each player, and a coin.

This is the 24-hour version.

You may find a newer version at www.darkdungeon2.com

Santiago Joe

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

A free, diceless, fast paced Role Playing Game
Where you are the movie STARS and the WRITER-DIRECTOR
Of the many Adventure B-Movies of Oblivion
Movies that never were, but that you would have loved to see.

Enjoy them during college, your coffee break, when you can’t sleep on the phone, while you’re on the bus, or just when there’s nothing on TV.