Hobert Roward


Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Hegemony is the world’s first Massive Multiplayer Tabletop RPG Experience! You get into teams to roleplay factions competing for control of the known human universe, and form the first intergalactic Hegemony. Compete for the founding of the Hegemony with other roleplaying groups of 4-7 players from around the world!


Hundreds of years ago, mankind took to the stars.

Settling into new worlds scattered across the known universe, the tribe of humanity split apart from each other, separated from each other by profound distances. Communication between groups was rare or unheard of. In the next few hundred years, each group formed its own laws and culture, which developed in isolation. Those factions never expected to rejoin the others, and all was well with that.

Then the Watun-Gaji came, and with them the technology and understanding of navigating Underspace.

The Watun-Gaji faction found every known enclave of humanity, and shared the gift of the technology to rejoin their peers. Then they disappeared, and would not be heard from again for a long time.

The Factions found each other, and realized how much they had changed; physically, psychologically and culturally. The first encounters were disastrous or unhelpful at best. It soon became clear that one faction would have to step up as the leaders of a new universal order.

This is the path to Hegemony.