Glen Williams

Jack of all Trades

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

“It’s not fair, but neither is the universe.”

Jack of All Trades was intended as a broad, universal system that allows gaming groups to explore whatever setting they would like. This project was started at noon on December 3, 2005, and ended at noon on December 31, 2005.

Because of the time limit, there are several elements missing from the game that will be added in later versions. First, while a task resolution system is in place, the combat system is not included. Second, the introduction to the game promises a sample setting for a Jack of All Trades game entitled “Green England’s Shore” that could be used as a model for creating your own game environment. This sample setting is not present in the game at this time.

And finally, I think the game falls short of its stated goal of “simplicity.” In future versions I intend to look for ways to simplify the rules without sacrificing potential depth.

Jack of All Trades is intended to be a broad universal system that can be applied to any setting that the game leader and the players wish to explore.

Also, part of the point of Jack is to create a role-playing game that ? while retaining the complexity found in many RPG?s ? is quick enough to pick up that it can be learned by somebody with little experience.