Errin Famiglia

Quiz & Dragons RPG

Saturday, September 16th, 2006

Quiz & Dragons RPG is a roleplaying game based on the Capcom trivia arcade game of the same name. In order to play Quiz & Dragons RPG, you will need one to four players, one six-sided die for each player, and any trivia game that has cards with trivia questions and categories printed on them (the game Trivial Pursuit will be used as a generic standard for these rules). A timer such as a stopwatch or hourglass is also needed to play. Quarters and pennies may be used as tokens in the RPG, or a pen and paper can be used to keep track of the various game components.


Capconia was a peaceful kingdom. Thanks to the power of the ?Seed Of Wisdom?, the citizens were able to lead their lives in quiet happiness.

The Wisdom Seed: In the hands of the just man it could be used to insure peace. However, a man with evil in his heart could use its power to bring down a curtain of darkness on the world.

One day the evil warlock ?Gordian? invaded Capconia with a host of his foulest monsters and seized the Wisdom Seed. After using the seed to endow his monsters with evil wisdom, the warlock Gordian launched his assault on the good people of the land. The monsters forced the citizens to answer very difficult questions. Those who could not answer correctly were promptly eaten.

The sage king, Hatena VI, selected the four wisest and bravest in the land and ordered them to recover the Wisdom Seed.

You, the brave? the chosen?

You must use your wisdom and strength to save our world!

Creature of Murky County RPG

Friday, September 15th, 2006

The Creature Of Murky County RPG is a simple solo game wherein all rules of gameplay are included in a single character sheet. In the game, the player takes the role of an investigator of the paranormal who has come to the mysterious Murky County in search of the shaggy creature of legend that is said to call the swamplands of Murky Creek it’s home. Loosely based on the Boggy Creek movies, the game involves searching the various locations of Murky County in hopes of discovering enough clues along the way to garner the skill, knowledge, and courage necessary to defeat the creature of Murky County if and when it should ever be encountered.

The Creature’s Den: Roll a die. If the die roll is 1 or 6, the Creature is encountered. If the Creature is encountered, a Conflict ensues. When a Conflict occurs, roll a die and add the Character’s Physical to the amount rolled. If the result is less than 11, the Character is Wounded; If the result is more than 11, the Creature is Beaten. Next, roll a die and add the Character’s Mental to the amount rolled. If the result is less than 11, the Character is Traumatized; If the result is more than 11, the Creature is Outsmarted. Finally, roll a die and add the Character’s Spiritual to the amount rolled. If the result is less than 11, the Character is Horrified; If the result is more than 11, the Creature is Dominated. If the result of the die roll plus the Character’s Physical, Mental, or Spiritual is ever equal to 11 in a Conflict, the Conflict ends as soon as a result of 11 occurs. If the Character is Wounded, Traumatized, and Horrified in the Conflict (all three), the game ends in defeat. If the Creature is Beaten, Outsmarted, and Dominated in the Conflict (all three), the game ends in victory. Otherwise, the Conflict ends. The Character will remain Wounded, Traumatized, or Horrified after the Conflict until denoted otherwise; The Creature will not remain Beaten, Outsmarted, or Dominated after the Conflict. If the Character is Wounded again while still Wounded, Traumatized again while still Traumatized, or Horrified again while still Horrified, the game ends in defeat.

Treason Season RPG

Saturday, September 2nd, 2006

Treason Season RPG is a simple solo game wherein all rules of gameplay are included in a single character sheet. In the game, the player takes the role of an operative for the government of a nation known as the Great State, an extreme version of our own country’s current political climate. Succeed in serving the State, and you may be rewarded by becoming one of the power elite that rule the nation, perhaps even becoming the leader of the Great State. Fail to serve the State, and you may be punished for treason, though those that escape such persecution may find a second life as a freedom fighter against the Great State, perhaps even toppling the corrupt regime via revolution.

Haunted Houses Solitaire RPG

Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

Haunted Houses Solitaire RPG is a roleplaying game played by one player using only a regular deck of poker cards, a pencil, and some paper.

In the game, the player takes the role of a character known as a seeker, an investigator of the supernatural that explores haunted houses for adventure and to rid the world of supernatural evil.


There are six types of seekers: Hunters, Occultists, Holymen, Psychics, Mediums, and Parapsychologists. Each seeker type has twelve ‘advancements’, an advancement being a special skill unique to the seeker class. Hunters are skilled in hunting and fighting, Occultists are skilled in arcane spells, Holymen are skilled with holy blessings, Psychics are skilled in psychic/psionic ability, Mediums are skilled in spiritual mediation, and Parapsychologists are skilled with parapsychological technology. A seeker starts with 1 advancement, and can get the rest by accruing advance points which are gained through exploration of haunted houses. Once a seeker gains all twelve advancements of their class, they can retire or continue to explore haunted houses. If a seeker retires or perishes, the player creates another seeker that can explore new haunted houses or delve into ones past seekers have explored.


Game mechanics revolve around eight attributes: Physical, Spiritual, Investigation, Luck, Vitality, Fright, Run, and Hide. Seekers ‘visit’ haunted houses; A visit includes mapping the haunted house (rooms are generated randomly). Each room may contain a monster and/or a haunting (a supernatural manifestation that is not a monster), and there are even mystic items/weapons that can be found to the seeker’s benefit. There are twenty different kinds of rooms, forty different kinds of monsters, and sixty different kinds of hauntings, allowing for quite a bit of variation within each haunted house explored.


Monday, January 2nd, 2006

The King called for the aid of all those who would help in the dire situation. The Castle was under siege, a Monster ravaged the countryside, and wicked Creatures had breached the Castle walls. Among many, a young Squire came to the King’s aid…

Squire solitaire RPG is a simple roleplaying game played solo by one player using only a regular deck of poker cards, a pencil (or pen), and some paper. In the game, the player plays the role of a Squire on a quest to save a fantastical Kingdom from a deadly and powerful Monster.


The King called for the aid of all those who would help in the dire situation. The Castle was under siege, a Monster ravaged the countryside, and wicked Creatures had breached the Castle walls. Among many, a young Squire came to the King’s aid…

Squire solitaire RPG is a simple roleplaying game played solo by one player using only a regular deck of poker cards, a pencil (or pen), and some paper. In the game, the player plays the role of a Squire on a quest to save a fantastical Kingdom from a deadly and powerful Monster.

In order to play the game, the player must first divide the 52 card poker deck into two decks: a 4 card deck consisting of all cards 1 through 1 (ace equals 1) and a 12 card deck consisting of all face cards (Jack, Queen, King). These two decks will be drawn from to simulate all gameplay. After a card is drawn and looked at, the card is immediately returned to it’s respective deck, then that deck is shuffled. Never draw from a deck with less than it’s full amount of cards. Never draw more than one card at a time.

Zodiac Fantasy

Friday, December 9th, 2005

Updated on January 4, 2006

Zodiac Fantasy 24 Hour RPG is a simple roleplaying game based in a mythical fantasy world dominated by the signs of the zodiac.

zodiac fantasy rpg is A simple role-playing game set in a mythical fantasy world dominated by the twelve signs of the zodiac. players create characters that explore and adventure in this magical world wherein the aspects of the zodiac rule as gods. zodiac fantasy rpg requires only a twelve-sided die (herein referred to as a d12), something to write with, and something to write on in order to play.