Eric Bahr

The Wold Class Rats Handbook

Saturday, September 17th, 2005

“World Class Rats” A mostly freeform RPG with a few simple drama mechanics to simulate the world of the ‘gritty folk’ called rats. Only 12 pages, good for a light-hearted one shot.

World Class Rats is a Role-Playing Game. In World Class Rats you take on the role of a rat or a gritty kind of person and try to accomplish pre-set objectives in a kind of imagine space. In World Class Rats there are two roles that you can take. There is the Gamemaster who explains what the setting is and generally resolves things that happen and there are players who drive the game and act as the protagonists. Each player has her/his own character that (s)he creates before the game. Generally, each player is responsible for her/his own character and the Gamemaster is responsible for everything else.