David Roth


Friday, September 9th, 2011

In the world of Disparity 2% of the people hold 99% of the wealth most people scrape by with what they can grow, or make.

Others however, have learned to make a living by selling their unique skills to the rich, in order to fuel their petty spats and lust for power. These men and women are known as the Nujahara, though others may call you thief, conman, rogue or even pirate.

By searching out both useful bits of information and arcane items of power from other noble houses, ancient tombs, mazes, and vaults you will earn your wages and live a life much nicer life than your dirt farming contemporaries. Rumors say that those items have the ability to bend reality to the users will.

While there is no formal organization for the Nujahara you probably will not find it hard to find others of your kind, if you pay attention the world around you.