Dave Michael

Moral Fiber Optic

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Play characters that are Programs that live in the world inside the Computer. Fight to uphold your faction while resisting the factions that are arrayed against your friends.


In ancient times, we lived in the copper. Everything was like climbing uphill. Now, in this ancient society, we live in glass. The fiber optic of today is a miraculous achievement!

For all our modern conveniences, life in the Computer is still a challenge. Every program is being pulled in many opposite directions. Surviving is a challenge, much less succeeding in this environment. Long ago, a lone hero defeated the program that was oppressing the Computer. Now, two powers have risen to take its place, The Arches and the Orientals. Arches want to provide order to society, Orientals fight to maintain the rights of each individual program. The situation has been escalating, both sides want to change the way the Computer is run. What side are you on, how will you make your way?

Heart of Glass

Friday, March 17th, 2006

Heart of Glass is a story-centric game where players take turns narrating the parts of the Minions of an ancient and wizened dragon. Can you manipulate the Dragon’s heart of glass in order to fulfill the Dragon’s needs and your own? Have fun and tell a great story with your friends!


There is an ancient Dragon living deep within its den. Every Dragonslayer, Knight Errant, Sorcerer and Adventurer wants to test their mettle against the beast. And, the only thing standing between the Dragon and them, is you!

You will play a Minion of an ancient Dragon, you could possibly be an Ogre, a Dark Wizard, a Devilish Rogue, a kindred soul or whatever else you can imagine. You will use your resources and the Dragon’s, when possible, to overcome all the adversity headed your way!

What do you need to play?

  • This rulebook
  • Two to six players
  • Paper and pencils
  • A Deck of Cards (rules are written for a Poker/Bridge deck of 52 cards)
  • 3-4 tokens per player (you can use coins, poker chips, crackers or beads, whatever suits you)


You are playing a character that has their own desires, hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. But, that future is tied to a very old Dragon. The Dragon is fierce and has amassed many resources to deal with the potential threats facing them. Can you play on the Ancient Dragon’s emotions well enough to actually overcome these challenges?

Legends of Lanasia

Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Legends of Lanasia is a fantasy, pencil and paper RPG. It is set in a new environment that will allow players unique roleplaying and adventure opportunities. The system is designed to be easy to learn, easy to remember and fun to play. The characters will exist in a world that is both different and vaguely familiar. There are elves, trolls and humans, but they do not act or even exist as you would expect. Learn a new world, learn a new system and have fun doing it!

Read the authors blog at http://www.dindenver.blogspot.com/


Legends of Lanasia is a roleplaying game. The play style is between improvised theater and make believe. Players will gather and one will begin telling a story. Other players will explain what part their character is playing in the adventure and this rulebook will be used to resolve situations where there is no obvious outcome.

This setting is a fantasy setting. Everything is geared towards reproducing your favorite fantasy scenes from books, comics and movies. Bear this in mind when deciding what your character can and cannot do or what another character may or may not try.

This game is designed so that a group of hack and slashing characters should be fun to play, but deep enough that legitimate roleplaying is encouraged. One way this is accomplished is by reducing the amount of emphasis on ?character class,? your character will be more of a collection of skills and knowledge than a title. Two warriors may meet on the field of battle and neither may have a skill in common. This rejection of stereotypes is a common theme in this game world. The idea of a dwarf Archer or a goblin Archmage should not make Legends of Lanasia players laugh or even think twice. Furthermore, the idea of good and evil has been revisited. The idea that all orks are evil and that all elves are good has been challenged in a meaningful way. If the Judge tells you that your character notices a goblin in the woods, you will not know if your character is in danger or not until you investigate further.

As a final note, not only are we going for a fantasy setting, but a heroic setting. The players? characters are the stars of the story, and the rules reflect this. So, have fun and defeat evil wherever you find it!