Cliff Billing

Immortalis the RPG

Saturday, April 26th, 2008

A 24 hour RPG by Cliff Billing
Yorkshire, UK
(From 10:00 26th March to 05:44 27th March, 2008)

Immortalis’ is a game set in the current day, but it is a world very different from our own. Colonies and space stations dot the Solar System and the first steps to other stars are about to be taken. You play an Immortal, either part of the public face of the Council of Immortals or hidden amongst the masses. Either way, you work to guide humanity and stop the insidious influence of the Dark Summoners. Dark Summoners are people who can summon entities from the Rift and use them to control mortals like puppets.

Immortals have been around since the dawn of man. In ancient times they were the heroes of myth. However, during Roman times a Council was formed and Immortals decided to let normal mortals define the shape of the world to come. Immortals retreated from sight.

The plan worked well for 2000 years. In secret Immortals worked to limit the damage done by the Dark Summoners. However, the numbers of Dark Summoners grew until the conflict engulfed the world in war in the late 19th century. Secrecy was no longer possible and after the victory of the Immortals and their mortal allies, the Council of Immortals decided to take on a guiding role in the world. It was a Golden Time of art and science and it took humanity into space.

The game uses a fairly simple set of rules and you’ll need up to 5d6 for each player and the GM.

In case you had already guessed ‘Immortalis’ is the latin word for immortal and that is what the player characters are.

First of all you should probably be an experienced GM or player. I will not be explaining about what roleplaying is, define many common roleplaying terms or include a lot of the other things you find written at the start of many rpgs. Consequently, you should probably already know that stuff and have done it all before.

These rules may be copied or printed freely, so long as I’m given credit. However, they may not be sold or used for profit by anyone but me.

You’ll need up to 5d6 for the GM and each player. I’ve also included a character sheet at the end.

This game is set in an alternate version of the current day. There are colonies on several moons and planets in the Solar System and fusion-powered ships ply the space lanes between. Some believe that the first step between the stars has been taken. We first ventured into space in the 1905, ten years after the Great War.