Chris Hall


Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Dialectic is a game of world creation played in ten sessions of one hour each. Each session represents a single chance for a debate about some topic and the topics vary each session, though they are all set in the same world. For game set in the modern day each session might be an episode of a Meet The Press style television show, where each character is a political commentator.

The Game

Dialectic is a game of world creation played in ten sessions of one hour each. Each session represents a single chance for a debate about some topic and the topics vary each session, though they are all set in the same world. For game set in the modern day each session might be an episode of a Meet The Press style television show, where each character is a political commentator.

Characters could be participants in a traveling series of debates, sponsored by gentlemen?s clubs all over England in a Steampunk game. They might even be priests of pagan religions arguing about how to deal with the rise of the Dark Lord in a high fantasy setting. What is important is that the setting is one where the conflicts will be settled with words rather than deeds. The hour of time is the length of the debate itself, while the ten sessions are the length of the debate circuit or television season that is the venue for the debates.