Ben Wright

Kingdom of Glass

Sunday, March 19th, 2006

Each character is the chosen of one particular god. Their goal is to see to it that the Aspects of the Kingdom match that god the most closely at the end of the third session.

More generally, the entire group has an opportunity to create the history of an entire kingdom over five hundred years. It is an exercise in collaborative creation. The outline history above imposes some restrictions, but within that structure the players have complete freedom as to how the kingdom develops.

The Era of Prosperity

The Kingdom was not always a mighty empire. It grew from one powerful tribe among many. During this era, the Kingdom was founded.

The Bleak Desert is a horrible place, where even the hardiest desert folk struggle to survive. The rich lands near the Great River are home to many tribes that live a bronze-age existence. The river rises in the inhospitable Claw Mountains, and snakes through flood plains to the coast. The sea is known for its fearsome currents and deadly storms, and is colloquially known as the Lash. The sea and the desert mean that the tribes of the Great River are cut off from the rest of the world almost totally.

The greatest of these tribes lived next to the delta at the mouth of the Great River. They were rich and powerful to begin with, having such prime land, but their wise men made a discovery that would shape the future of the whole region. They created glass.

Although mere trinkets, they were much sought after. They could buy mercenaries, food, and peace. Before long the Tribe of Glass was on the verge of uniting all of the other tribes underneath it. The Era of Prosperity is a story of those few critical months when the Kingdom was founded.