Allen Yates

Dungeon Squad: Elite

Friday, March 16th, 2012

When I came across the rules for Dungeon Squad I fell in love.

I’ve been playing with the same gaming group for more than six years now. Yet despite having a wealth of knowledge of the various game systems we use our games always seem to fall apart due to rules disputes or belief that someones understanding of the rules has led them to having “cheesed” characters(more often or not these claims are justified). However in Dungeon Squad I had found a simple gaming system that allowed for all the fantasy role play shenanigans we have come to love while also keeping the players on a level playing field despite their understanding of the rules.

That being said my gaming group is comprised of grown ass men who want more depth out of their gaming experience than standard Dungeon Squad has to offer. I read through some of the various updated advanced versions of the game and found that they lacked a fix for my one real complaint with the system: Character development.

Dungeon Squad allows players to increase their skill with Fighting, Magic, and Adventuring as well as their hit points. But what if a player who started with a max Warrior ability doesn’t want to advance as an Explorer or Mage? I have included a simple Epic Tier Skill list as well as a Magic Point system that allows veteran role players the opportunity to customize the development of their character while maintaining the no nonsense simplicity I love about Dungeon Squad.

Here it is, Dungeon Squad: Elite in it’s entirety. Enjoy!