Aaron Stone

Ironsilk Kingdom

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Ironsilk Kingdom is a medieval martial arts setting full of mystery, drama, adventure, and mystical secrets. It is a 24-hour Savage Setting for the Savage Worlds RPG. You need the Explorer’s Edition rules to use this setting. Here you can play an honorable samurai warrior, a stealthy ninja saboteur, or a philosopher who has discovered hidden powers through the martial arts. You can channel the powers of a ghost, tap into the hidden energies of universal harmony, or command an army of plantwalkers. As you travel the land, you can be involved in political struggle, covert rebellion, duels of honor, or open warfare.


Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Resourceful started out as a treasure-hunter game, but it evolved to place more emphasis on resource management and could be used for a lot of things–with some work. This 24-hour version has some obvious gaps and flaws, but should surprise you a bit with stuff you haven’t seen before.

This is a game about resource management, strategy, outwitting the GM, and telling a cool story to justify all the stuff you want to do with game mechanics.


This is a game about adventurous types out looking to recover lost artifacts, mighty weapons of power, and ancient relics. The default setting of the game is a soft sci-fi post-apocalyptic world where high-tech items may still exist in ruined cities, forgotten bomb shelters, hidden compounds, or remote and inhospitable wilderness regions. You can also send people looking for treasure in the pulp age, or on distant worlds, or in a fantasy realm if you like. Most of the setting stuff is just window dressing that will affect how things are described but not how the game mechanics work.

The game is written for a group of 3-6 people, one to GM. Someday I will add rules for one-on one play. You will need pencils, paper, ten-sided dice (at least 3, maybe 3 per player), and some kind of chips or beads or markers in four distinct colors. (You could use several decks of playing cards, treating each suit as a color.)