VampStick: The Stick Parade

Written in response to the StickGuy Setting Contest for StickGuy the Roleplaying Game

VampStick is just a game, there are not really blood sucking stick figures running the world, and you do not have to worry about killing them. There are however Goths and people that still think they’re Punk, and you should probably watch out for them. If you are one, well no biggie, you’d better learn to laugh at yourself because the rest of us are. As further disclaimer, werewolf stick figures, ghostly stick figures and everything else in this game is simply a figment of my bitter and satirical mind. There are however robots, they hate humanity and they listen to me (for I am in fact an alien super-genius), and if you sue me because I made fun of your clique, I’ll sick their horrible rending claws of steel on you before your makeup dries.

VampStick: The Stick Parade

In the World of DarkStick, VampSticks, horrible undead bastards that feast on the blood of StickMortals, not only exist, but also have lots of power for no real reason. VampSticks love to flaunt their inexplicable power; both supernatural and political, over the StickMortals they prey upon. VampSticks do not bother to hide, knowing that they could trounce a mere StickMortal and drink his blood.

Most StickMortals live in fear of the VampSticks, doing as they’re told and going about their business, all while trying to avoid having their blood sucked out. Some strive for power though, and become the lackeys of the VampSticks, even going so far as to become VampSticks themselves, should they manage to impress their masters.

There are other StickMortals though that grow weary of living in the shadow of these unholy creatures, and dedicate their lives to hunting and slaying VampSticks. Known as StickHunters, these hard bastards have access to ancient knowledge, magic and angry rage, and pose a significant threat to the VampSticks.


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