Tunnel Quest 2

TQ2 is a very simple fantasy role-playing game designed for players new to the hobby or those wishing to kick start a game in under 5 minutes.

The GM is not required to roll dice during play (unless he or she really wants to), the outcome of any event or encounter is based purely on the success or failure of the player’s skill roll.

Since the first edition, the magic system has changed (but version 1.0 magic is still compatible), character advancement is presented in a slightly different way and most things just make a little more sense.

There is no world background or fantasy races – that’s up to you. The system can easily be ported to other genres.

TunnelQuest or TQ for short is a brief set of Fantasy Role-Playing rules designed by Paul Elliot (of Zenobia fame) and developed extensively by Mike Hill (Tunnels & Trolls Sixth Edition). Paul’s game was originally designed to provide a simple but compelling set of rules that he could use with his family.

Although the game concepts and mechanics really are simple, it would be helpful if at least one player is familiar with role-playing games in general and such venerable classics as Tunnels & Trolls and of course, Dungeons & Dragons in particular.

To play this game and most role-playing games, you will need some dice; TQ only uses the readily available six-side dice. For ease of reference, dice rolls are indicated by the abbreviation: ‘xd6’ where ‘x’ denotes the number of dice to be rolled. For example, a roll of 3-dice would be indicated by the code 3d6.


3 Responses to “Tunnel Quest 2”

  1. Mike Says:

    You can find updates to version 2 here: http://sites.google.com/site/hogtunnels/tunnel-quest

  2. Callan S. Says:

    I wish these games that provide a ‘simple system’ could show it all on one page (many board games, some with some quite complex gameplay can list their rules on one page – chess, for example), and then if they have to be multipage, explain the extra options and stuff on the rest of the pages.

    People either wont absorb the whole 20 pages so they wont play, or they will play and just make things up – defeating the idea of making a set of rules…why make something everyone ignores?

  3. ronbunxious Says:


    Thank you for this game. I love the game and so do my little ronBunxious ones. We use the “freeform” spell-casting variant of the previous edition. Kids make up such cool spells. I actually love how unrestricted I feel when I run the game. High GM trust game, but GM prep/workload games are so low that you really can build a nice game with your group.

    But yeah I tend to agree with Callan regarding the page count. Although 20 pages is a paltry number to absorb compared to page count + supplements of more mainstream RPGs, a group of 3 adults I ran the game with just couldn’t be bothered. One was a writer too. Wimps. ;D Once again it falls upon the GM to shoulder the “teach the rules” portion of RPGing. But that’s okay for me since I enjoy running the game, and they get a pass since they’re NOOBs to RPGing.

    What I love about “retro-clone-ish” games is that combat can actually scare the party going toe-to-toe with the baddies. Hit-or-Be-Hit in one roll does that in Tunnel Quest and being outnumbered sucks again. Whatever, there’s no shame in running… just make sure you come back with a bigger and pointier killing devices next time. I love making up monsters on the fly… and not having to roll too. Combat is soooo bloody fast too.

    And speaking of making things up: I’ve always tacked on/modded rules anyways. Yeah, I’m guilty of that. I guess it’s soooo Old School of me, but I like to modify games to suit styles/tastes. Never a bad thing, IMO, if the groups okay with it.

    Thanks again.