The Marriage of Persephone

Periodically, Persephone, queen of the underworld, throws an elaborate wedding for a chosen couple. Hades often finds himself needing to make things ready for the festivities, and entertain the guests when they arrive, tasks that are beneath the dignity of the lord of the dead. But a team of heroes has recently joined the ranks in the Elysian Fields, a team who doesn’t know any better than to accept Hades’ offer. It is also the second main course in the Full Course of Love and Death.

This RPG is the second main course of a Full Course of Love and Death, coming between the first main course of Someone to Love and the third, One More Hour. The couple to be married is one of the most successful couples in the prior game of Someone to Love. Likewise, the team of heroes after gaining the favor of the gods in The Marriage of Persephone will return to life once more, to attempt their last mission or betray it to seek some measure of peace in their lives. Like all games in this Full Course, The Marriage of Persephone is intended for five players.

As a game designed for Iron Game Chef 26, it is necessary to discuss the allotments made for that contest. Indeed, for the theme of time, Marriage of Persephone fulfills the two sessions of 6 hours requirement, including the intervening 2 weeks. And it uses the following contest terms: Law, Actor, and Team.


One Response to “The Marriage of Persephone”

  1. The ultimate big list of GM-less games « Doubleninja's Blog Says:

    […] The Marriage of Persephone (followup of Someone to Love) {Underworld, Romance} […]