That Oh So Little Death


That Oh So Little Death is a RPG about sex. But many things in art and fiction are metaphor for sex, and sex itself is a metaphor for many things. This is a game that explores those boundaries. It is also dessert in the Full Course of Love and Death.

This game is the last in a Full Course of Love and Death, a quintology of RPGs. It is the dessert, and has been design to add a delightful twist to the chronicles of Love and Death through which the players have already ventured. What the other games have danced around, That Oh So Little Death embraces. When played as the dessert, each player should choose a character from a previous RPG in the course, and should remake them for this game. In many cases, the archetypes below will make that an easy matter. As playing That Oh So Little Death in this way, consider how the events of the previous game could have been simply a metaphor for the activities in this one. Like all games in this Full Course, That Oh So Little Death is intended for five players, ideally the same five who started this journey with Escape from Prince Charming.

As a game designed for Iron Game Chef 26, it is necessary to discuss the allotments made for that contest. Indeed, for the theme of time, That Oh So Little Death fulfills the single session of 2 hours requirement. And it uses all of the contest terms: Glass, Committee, Ancient, Emotion, Law, Actor, Steel, and Team.


One Response to “That Oh So Little Death”

  1. The ultimate big list of GM-less games « Doubleninja's Blog Says:

    […] That Oh So Little Death (following of One More Hour) (followup of One More Hour) [] {Sex} […]