Shinigami Chronicles

Most games are about what happens before the character dies. Thrilling adventures and heroic deaths. Well, this is a game about what happens after death, when a character doesn’t want to cross over yet. They can get jobs as Shinigami, or Guardians of Death.

Some way or another, you died. It may have been suicide, an accident, or even murder, or something else. But for whatever reason, you didn’t want to go on to the afterlife. Something kept you here. Your unfinished business, if you will. It might have been looking after a loved one, or continuing your life’s work, or some other reason. But that’s okay; there was a place for those who didn’t want to go on.

So you became a Shinigami; a Guardian of Death. It’s your job to help monitor the mortal world. You’re supposed to help make sure people die when they should. Not before, not after. Sometimes this might mean protecting a mortal from a supernatural threat. Sometimes it might mean finding and stopping a mad killer. Sometimes it might even mean hunting down and killing someone who’s somehow outlived their allotted time. Mostly it’s the first two. Mostly.

But hey, there are perks to being a Shinigami, in the form of supernatural powers, a monthly paycheck (Yes, you get paid. This is a job after all.), and a warm fuzzy feeling when you help people. Oh, and there’s also the fact that you’re really freaking hard to kill, what with being dead already. You can take massive amounts of damage, and though it will still hurt like hell, you can regenerate fairly quickly. That’s the good news. The bad news is that you can be destroyed if you take enough punishment in a short enough time. And this is all you get. If you die now, you’re gone forever. You just? cease to exist.

There are also other dangers. Demons tend to take your existence personally. And there are the rare few sorcerers and madmen who know about the Shinigami, and try to use that knowledge to their advantage. Usually, it’s these same sorcerers and madmen who find ways to live beyond their time, so you’ll probably run into at least one eventually. And in a job like this, it’s easy to get disillusioned and depressed.

Anyway, that’s in the future, and this is now. Welcome to the ranks of the Shinigami.


5 Responses to “Shinigami Chronicles”

  1. Kira Says:

    I love the idea of this game and wanted to play but I’m too stupid to figure it out can you please help me

  2. tohma Says:

    I’m with Kira

  3. Paul Cutler Says:

    I would like to see more books and information put into this so it would actually be playable. A spirit bestiary with stats for summon-able stuff and possible enemies. And more details on powers and such. I mean anyone that has read this book would realize is just an idea so far there is no balance. It works for simple role-playing, but as a game there is a huge lack or rules.

  4. Brandon Says:

    I am going to start working on making a playable version of this. Hopefully I can actually follow through with it. If all goes well I will post an updated manual that will flesh it out a bit more.

    It’s a great idea, it just needs someone to put some extra effort into it.

  5. Brandon Says:

    Now that I think about it though, it’s meant to be just the skin and bones for the game. That was the point to let other people worry about the details.

    Update: I have the technical stuff pretty much figured out, but I’m not yet ready to post anything online. I am just adding some things like items, a character inventory, a property system, pets and other things to hopefully make the game funner. I am also working on making it work as a board game. My friends gave me the idea and I quickly thought of a way to make it work.
    As Paul Cutler suggested I am also working on a summon Bestiary. I have all the original summons stated out, but I am also going to add some more. And I am also working on a book of enemies with their stats and abilities mapped out.

    I am making sure that the credit for the original idea is going to Megan Marie Mcknight. To pay respect to the person who decided to share such a great idea for an RPG with us. In fact, if I ever print out the updated handbook I’ll probably have her name in big letters on the cover. :)

    Anyone interested in my progress or getting the updated manuals/books when I am finished email me at .