Search and Destroy

“Here’s your man, Marshal. The warrant said dead or alive.”

I dump the corpse of my quarry in front of the marshal’s desk. The marshal recoils in shock, but recovers quickly. He reaches into the desk and pulls out a stack of credits as thick as the powerpack on my blaster.

“There y’are. 2, credits blood money, mutie.”

I tip my hat to him as I walk out into the harsh actinic light of the twin suns. A woman hides her children behind her as I walk past. Someone spits at my shadow.

Sometimes I wonder who they think are worse. The bounties, or the hunters?

Still … It’s a job.

Search/Destroy is a RPG set in the Strontium Dog comic universe. Players are mutant bounty hunters in the far future.


It is the far future. A series of devastating wars has forced Mankind to leave Earth and settle the stars. However, the rule of Law does not quite reach as far as Man’s grasp. The frontier is often lawless, and settlers are often prey to vicious thugs, scheming criminals and fierce aliens.

Earth, however, has not forgotten her children. Where the Law does not reach, money brings the Search/Destroy Agent. These are not men. Instead, they are the bastard children of Earth’s wars – mutants. They roam the colonies, tracking down criminals with a price on their heads and exacting revenge.

Wherever they go, the Search/Desroy Agents are feared and hated. Their mutations mark them out from other men, and they are shunned for their profession. Some are cruel, some are noble. All of them will kill you for a credit.


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