Red-Rimmed Eyes

A story-game about a monster.

“And even as its claws sunk into a man’s shoulders, even as it tore through yet another one of my friends, I looked at its red-rimmed eyes and just had to wonder: had it just been crying?”

you are an adventurer

You have been slaying the evils of the world for countless years. You’ve slain goblins and orcs before, and seen their green blood etched across the rocky ground. You’ve slain small dragons, and dodged their last breath of fire. You’ve slain enemies, and once or twice you’ve slain friends.

Or maybe you haven’t, and you are new to the world of heroism. Maybe your sword is still virgin steel, and you’ve never witnessed the agony of bloodshed. Maybe you are still hot for your first real hunt. Maybe you don’t really know what you’re doing out here.

Regardless of your past, you are here now. You have been hired by the mayor of Joshuan to rid the forests of a deadly beast that has terrorized the town for months. You have been hired to kill a ferocious beast that you’ve never heard of before. An owlbear.

you don’t live in Joshuan

It’s a charming community, it really is. But its important to always keep this in mind: You do not live in Joshuan, and the people you are adventuring with are not your friends. You have been assigned to an adventuring party with a bunch of strangers. These people are do-gooders, paid mercenaries, and militia members. You don’t know if they have families or live alone; whether they have jobs or are transient bums; whether they are poor or have overflowing coffers.

you aren’t perfect

It’s important to admit that to yourself every once in a while. Sometimes you do the wrong thing. When you’re a powerful, broad-shouldered warrior, a single mistake can leave quite a lot of impact.

It’s important to keep that in the back of your mind: You’ve done wrong before, and you’ve seen the bloodshed that can result. You don’t like doing the wrong thing.


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