Pinnacle Empty Quiver

Pinnacle Empty Quiver – The first Game Chef 26 Submission!

Situation Pinnacle: A terror organization has infiltrated an overseas military base in an occupied country, secured a nuke, and has taken hostages. The military base is the home base of an elite anti-terror squad and the hostages are loved ones. The nuke can be prevented from exploding or the hostages can be saved. There is no other outcome. If the nuke goes off a city of 1, will be destroyed. No other citizens of the player’s country will die in the explosion. Your mission: Disarm the nuke, or will you go rogue and rescue your loved ones?

Steel is a resource representing the weapons, guns, equipment that a character uses during the game. These are used up to move the game forward towards resolution. Teamwork is rewarded in the game through better retention of Steel, but it makes the mission harder. Going solo makes the mission easier, but the player loses Steel more quickly. The characters are a member of a special forces group that specializes in restoring Law and Order, and as the Threat level of the game moves towards fulfillment it is a representation of Law being restored on the base. Also, players can utilize Laying Down the Law during combat to combat any GM hording of Steel until end game. In addition, the Laws of The Black Box dictate that if a nuclear countdown is aborted, those injected with poison capsules will die or if those injected with poison capsule are moved, the nuke will blow. There can be no other outcome. Also, the situation involves a law about nuclear security and transport, which was violated and created this situation.

All traits, skills, and equipment are taken from recruiting pamphlets for British or American Special Forces or from wikipedia entries about these organizations. Everything in the squad set up is based on American Army Special Forces, except for Squad Specialties, which is based on British Forces. The Threat Track and Mission Breakdown is a descendant of Metal Opera or InSpectres and spiced up by separating resolution from story advancement to give the players some more choices but also to make it slightly more difficult to resolve, and hopefully this will help keep the game slightly more serious. The combat is system was inspired by Wushu, but dreamed up while watching Lord of the Rings. The event system just popped in my head when I got the idea of a televised hostage forced to say something against their will.


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