My Secret Waitress

This game is a game of adventure and a game of uncovering lies. In it, the players take on the role of an undercover agent disguised as a waitress that has infiltrated into positions of trust, and then they use the trust to gain evidence against their marks. While obtaining the evidence, the marks will ask the characters to perform objectionable actions that conflict with the waitress agent’s sense of duty, but by performing these actions, the characters will find more evidence. Slowly, the guilt of violating duty can overcome a character, so it’s a race to bring down or be brought down. And it’s about the ends justifying the means.

Comic Introduction

Man in Trench Coat

(Black coat, leaning up against a wall)

Welcome, to the Agent training course. Here you’ll learn about being an operative before heading off in the dangerous field.

Man In Trench Coat

The first step of your training involves is physical conditioning. All agents must be strong and fit in order to catch the bad guys.

Corner Box

For this training, each player takes three six-sided dice.

Man In Trench Coat

Okay, now that you’ve changed into running uniforms and shoes, let’s see you race. The goal is to come in first. Ready. Set. Go.

Corner Box

This is called a Conflict. The goal is to win the race. Roll the dice. The player who rolls the most ones wins, and the winning player gets to narrate the results. If there is a tie, then the players who tied roll one dice over and over until a one is rolled. The first player to roll a one wins.

Man In Trench Coat

Great job, ladies! Now let’s try something a little different. Let’s move into combat training. For this event, pair off and before you fight, and I want to know how you want the fight to turn out if you win this event.

Corner Box

A winning player’s intentions dictate how any conflict will turn out after the dice are rolled. So, before the dice are even rolled, a player must state in theopen what they want to happen if they win the roll. In any Conflict that doesn’trelate to the mechanics of stats, all sides must declare what they want to happen before the roll.

Man In Trench Coat

Consider the bell rung. Fight time.

Corner Box

Each player in the fight rolls his or her three dice. The one who rolls the most ones wins and then gets to narrate how the conflict happened.

Woman Agent One

I jump kick into the air and land a foot straight into the stomach of my opponent. She falls to the ground and I put my foot on her throat.

Man In Trench Coat

Good. I see that you are learning fast. Let’s try something a little different. I have a written test for you to take. You need to pass this test if you’re going to advance to the next part of training.

Corner Box

This is also a conflict. Anything that may have an effect on the future of play or the story must be rolled on. But don’t get crazy; you don’t have to roll for everyday actions. Here the agents have to pass the test. If they don’t, then what happens? During the game, one player, usually the person to the left will decide what happens if an agent fails. So, have each player state what will happen if they succeed in the roll, and the person to the left describe what will happen if the roller fails. Then roll. If a one is rolled then the roller describes the outcome. If no ones are rolled then the player to the left describes.

Man In Trench Coat

I hate tests just as much as you do, so I’m glad that that’s over. Now, I want to give you some tools that will help you succeed. But first, why don’t you reflect on your past. I want you to tell me a little about your family, what you did before we recruited you, and what motivated you to come and work for us.

Corner Box

Each player has one specific agent character that he or she will be responsible for during the game. During character creation, each player must write a back-story for this character. It doesn’t have to be long. One hundred words are plenty.

Man In Trench Coat

See girls, we recruited you because of your sense of duty and motivation to expose these evildoer crooks for what they are. Now that you’ve thought about your background, tell me what motivates you.

Corner Box

Each player should write his or her motivation on the agent’s character sheet.

Man In Trench Coat

Good work! This spying stuff is hard work isn’t it. We even work nights and weekend. Now, think about your background, the connections you’ve made, or the skills you’ve learned.

Corner Box

Each player should pick out two Adornments for their character. An Adornment is a skill or connection that the character learned or has from his or her background that the player will use during play to help their character succeed.

Man In Trench Coat

Good, now that you know what motivates you and what you’re good at, you can apply these connections, skills, or motivation while you’re out taking down the bad guys.

Corner Box

Motivations and Adornments add dice to the player’s conflict rolls, so, for example, if an Adornment was a Fast Runner +1, then the player would have rolled four dice instead of three in the above race.

Man In Trench Coat

Well, ladies, I tell this to all my recruits. I love you, but you’ve learned everything I can teach you. If you need something from me, I’m available. And let me give you some warnings.

Man In Trench Coat

You’ll be in deep cover and asked to do some dastardly favors for these corrupt bastards we’ll be exposing. You’ll also be paid pretty well with dirty money. Just keep your chin up, because I don’t need you to feel too guilty. Too many agents burn out when the guilt over comes duty.

Man In Trench Coat

By the way, we’re looking to do some promoting. One for you ladies will get my job and all the perks?I mean all the perks that come with it.


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