Haunted Houses Solitaire RPG

Haunted Houses Solitaire RPG is a roleplaying game played by one player using only a regular deck of poker cards, a pencil, and some paper.

In the game, the player takes the role of a character known as a seeker, an investigator of the supernatural that explores haunted houses for adventure and to rid the world of supernatural evil.


There are six types of seekers: Hunters, Occultists, Holymen, Psychics, Mediums, and Parapsychologists. Each seeker type has twelve ‘advancements’, an advancement being a special skill unique to the seeker class. Hunters are skilled in hunting and fighting, Occultists are skilled in arcane spells, Holymen are skilled with holy blessings, Psychics are skilled in psychic/psionic ability, Mediums are skilled in spiritual mediation, and Parapsychologists are skilled with parapsychological technology. A seeker starts with 1 advancement, and can get the rest by accruing advance points which are gained through exploration of haunted houses. Once a seeker gains all twelve advancements of their class, they can retire or continue to explore haunted houses. If a seeker retires or perishes, the player creates another seeker that can explore new haunted houses or delve into ones past seekers have explored.


Game mechanics revolve around eight attributes: Physical, Spiritual, Investigation, Luck, Vitality, Fright, Run, and Hide. Seekers ‘visit’ haunted houses; A visit includes mapping the haunted house (rooms are generated randomly). Each room may contain a monster and/or a haunting (a supernatural manifestation that is not a monster), and there are even mystic items/weapons that can be found to the seeker’s benefit. There are twenty different kinds of rooms, forty different kinds of monsters, and sixty different kinds of hauntings, allowing for quite a bit of variation within each haunted house explored.


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