Extremez Drama

Extremez Drama is a game in which you make a big deal out of everything and anything. The biggest rule behind Extremez Drama is this “Anything, be it cooking, playing tennis, collecting stamps or flower arrangement” can be dramatised.


This game is created in 24 hours time, for the 24 Hours RPG Competition. As such, everything is not as perfect as I hope to be. I have hoped to provide examples of character creation, details of play and uses of the mechanics, but I don?t have the time to squeeze all these things in.

So I beg your pardon for the numerous errors and inconsistencies that lurk within the game.

This is only the beginning. Extremez Drama is regularly being worked on, and hopefully, play-tested.

Thanks for reading!

What is Extremez Drama?

Extremez Drama is a role-playing game where you make a big deal out of everything. You take the most ordinary, mundane concept or hobby ever, dramatises it and makes a big deal out of it.

How do you make a big deal out of anything anyway? Simple, just follow the simple three steps below:

  • Somehow involve it in a competition. You must have a competition, and a panel of interesting and varied judges. It?s hard to be dramatic without any competition!
  • Give the hobby some secret techniques or knowledge. Some hobbies, like Chess, is full of techniques and tactics. Well, dramatises them! Go even more far-stretch. Don?t worry if it sounds implausible. It doesn?t have to make sense as long as it is dramatic.
  • Come out with a list of antagonists who share the same hobby, and give them varied traits, personality and a tragic backstory.

This concept isn?t really that new or strange. It has been done a lot of time, most particularly in the everpopular Iron Chef. Is there a competition? Checked. A panel of interesting judges? Checked, especially that dude in the funny costume. And the interesting antagonists are those Iron Chefs who pose and strut on their pedestals.

Stephen Chow?s Shaolin Soccer is another great example of how you get take something ordinary and make it exaggerated.

This idea abounds in many Japanese animes too. Hikaru No Go, Prince of Tennis, Initial D?The list is endless. The Japaneses have the knack of dramatising everything, from katanas to Go, from soccer to collectible card games.


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