Edge of the Century

Edge of the Century is my second 24 Hour RPG attempt. I didn’t get as much time to work on it as I’d wanted to (about 4 hours, total), but I think it’s still playable. The game has some innovative narrative mechanics (at least I hope they’re innovative) and a fairly unique, but fast, character creation process that’s also very narrative. Have fun!

The edge of the century draws near, as does the life of the great Queen Victoria. In America, the Native tribes have been decimated, and the frontier declared closed. England is beginning to lose her Empire, though for the moment it is safe. In the cities, women shout for the right to vote, workers strike for a living wage, and anarchists gather in secret with Das Capital in one hand and a bomb in another.

In Europe, ethnic unrest and a complex web of alliances will soon burn the continent in a war many men think will be good. They say that Europe has gone soft and weak and needs a war to make it strong again.

And underneath the calm, stoic Victorian facade, madness coils and twists, waiting to erupt. Secret societies meet, calling on spirits of the dead and ancient gods. Curses lay upon families, waiting to drag them down into madness, or worse.

Central Resolution Mechanic inspired by “dukereg” on the “Opportunity Pool” thread at http://forum.rpg.net/archive/index.php/t-384462.html


One Response to “Edge of the Century”

  1. Brian Says:

    Is this the same Edge of the Centure game that I played at Gen Con this year (Tomb of the Dread Pharaoh)?