
A while back, I found out about the 24-Hour RPG project and though to myself, “Damn, that’s a cool idea.” Making a whole game in 24 hours perfectly suited my attention span, so I started thinking about ideas that would make a good one. After sifting through a few in my muddled mind, I decided upon an idea that had occurred to me after reading a Wikipedia article about occultism.

Apparently, there’s this kind of magic(k) called “Chaos Magic,” that works around the idea of paradigm shifting and such. The idea of a modern magic game suddenly seemed really cool. Of course, I quickly realized that stuff like Mage and Unknown Armies had already treaded this ground, but I thought I could do a good job and bring something different to the table. So here it is, Discord, my 24 hour game about modern mages and casting your way through life. Enjoy.


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