Bring Out Your Gods

Bring Out Your Gods is an RPG set in the ancient world, spanning from China to Greece to Rome to Egypt. It’s a world where the gods have started to appear, as men and women with animal heads. These people are the new gods, entering a new world. Each has godly powers and must decide between being a devil or a saint, a beggar or a king.

Bring Out Your Gods uses a dice system that’s quite simple: roll d6s equal to your appropriate stat and count successes (any rolls that are four or above) and then compare those to the difficulty rating.

So what will it be? A holy god, saving the weak, or a devil in disguise, crushing all who oppose them? Will you be king, and lead armadas to your whim, or will you be a loner, simply wandering and committing your godly will whenever you see fit?


The players are gods. New gods, gods who on day simply awoke with a new head, the head of a beast. These gods are superhuman in everyway, but they are not true gods. They do not come born with the great godly powers that the old gods have. They are only better than a human in every way, shape, and form.

Governments quickly accepted the existence of these gods, but there is still a mystery about them. Kings and Pharaohs fear them for their powers, for their ability to uproot them. The people see them as either enemies, especially to the gods who simply ravage the country side for the hell of it, or they see them as saviors, for those who heal the wounded and feed the hungry.

You can be any of these things: a savior or a devil, a king or a beggar. But you are surely at least a god.


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