Artificial Life

The basis of this game is that every player is a Scientist in a experiment tampering with life itself. This experiment is that each scientist in the group has a small force of artificial beings (Cyborgs) in a test area, a synthetic maze of steel with many rooms and living areas. the ultimate test of survival, the scientists must lead their cyborgs to being able to survive, and ultimatly open the exit door that leads to the next “zone”. The maze itself consists of 1 Zones, each with a door that leads to a giant cargo elevator that can lift a scientists cyborgs to the next zone. All of the higher zones contain past experiments that lost control due to lesser scientists getting too cocky or getting themselves killed.


Whenever your cyborgs think, they start to slowly realize that they are being controlled, eventually they may rise up and kill their scientist. you can make them respect you by certain actions defined by the GM. Generally, whenever you help them in a certain way they like you more. When they have weapons, they think even more, and realize your more mortal then they are. basically, don’t be the weakest link. prove that your worth it as their leader.


Eventually you will learn domestication, and be able to create animal cyborgs. these will help you in various ways, basically, they are “Familiars” that help you in certain respects. for instance, a small bird-cyborg would be helpful for grabbing that piece of paper on the other side of that big hole…. The player and GM must work together to create them, they must be fair to everybody yet be special. you can only have one type of pet at a time, but they can be created as long as you have the parts. be very realistic on parts, and realize that they are not immortal by any means.


what DOES lie on the zone after the last zone? nobody actually knows. One would expect thats the end of it all, but who knows? it is suggested the GM puts a very interesting storyline hook at the end, like a dramatic boss fight or something. it’s all the GM

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