Annals of Autumn and Spring

The world is about to plunge into darkness, and humanity shall be scattered amongst the ruins. Are all things lost? The four Ancient Season Spirits meet and share tales of heroic deeds and personal feelings in order to decide what part of humanity shall survive to the next Age of Man.


Annals of Autumn and Spring is a roleplaying game of collaborative story-telling and emotional frankness. The players play the part of four Ancient Season Spirits, who meet in Dreamtime to reveal what they love about mankind, and what they think should be preserved about it. In order to convince the three other Seasons, each Season in her turn tells an Heroic Tale, that best exemplifies how that attribute of mankind helps other people and is vital for mankind?s essence and value. While that Season tells the tale, the other three players portray different roles: the Hero, his aid and mentor, the Heartwood, and his unfortunate companion, the Thorn.

During the game, the players are rewarded by points for incorporating different elements into the weaving story. At the last session, the Season with the most points would be able to sway her sisters and convince them that her theme should be planted in the frozen ground for a better world.

Unlike many games, this game doesn?t have a permanent game-master: all players may contribute equally and freely to the development of the setting and their characters? surroundings, and to some extent, the story.


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