Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Torus One

May 27th, 2012

Torus One RPG is a science fiction role-playing game, where all the action happens in a crowded ring-shaped space station with a circumference of 1609 meters.

Here, players will not be diplomats, space marines or romanticized scoundrels. Instead, they’ll be the workers that do all the stuff that happens in the background.


Uninteresting, you say?


That’s because you haven’t been in Torus One before.

Torus One RPG was written for the 24 Hour RPG Competition – Little Spaces


May 20th, 2012

Captains Log, 19 May 2012. The time now is 9:00, we’re approaching the Upper Mantle… things are about to get hot in here boys!

Welcome to Claustrophobia!, the game about crazy gnome explorers on board the doomed Nuclear Subterrine*, the sentient vessel HMS Keeton. When standing around in the garden becomes too much, colonies of gnomes turn to a life of adventuring or crime, the later being the preferred, less hazardous change of occupation. For those adventurous gnomes there is but one choice, take up their shovel, wheel barrow or fishing rod and tackle the greatest quest any gnome can undertake: a journey to the center of the earth. Prepare to face hardship, danger, and more than likely extreme cases of Claustrophobia!

You have been warned.

* A subterranean submarine, usually constructed by gnomes out of surplus garden supplies and powered by a home made and somewhat dangerous nuclear power plant.


May 14th, 2012

Created for the 2012 24 Hour RPG Contest – Little Spaces,

GOBLIN CAVE is goblin gathering GMless game for 3 or more players. Impress your warlord with your huge Warband, and convince him that you are the goblin leader of the future!

In GOBLIN CAVE, you take on the role of a young goblin, attempting to win over the hearts and minds of your fellow cave dwellers. Everything you need to create your character is in your dice bag, as your dice contains everything you need to know about your goblin. You will need a variety of dice to play this game, but will only be rolling one.

I Will Be Hamlet!

May 9th, 2012

What is this game about?

This is about how far will you go to get the part of Hamlet in the free version that the very prestigious James Maryon wants to perform.

What do the characters do?

The characters are actors who, based on their drives, will try to get The Part while being bound in a medieval castle, forced to coexist with each other; and they will perform their monologues, suspect from their rivals and sabotage their own monologue, or maybe kill them!

What do the players do?

The players will divide themselves, because one of them will be the Dealer and the Judge and the others will be the Actor*’s players. They all will play the part of one character (Mr. Keeton, the Butler for the Judge and the Actors for the rest). They will describe whatever they may be interested, requested, or needed, trying to make their character win; the rules, based in cards games, are made for getting this done properly.

*Masculine is used not because sexism, but because laziness.


[Post competition versions included (1.1 etc) – misterecho]

Tale of Narvi

May 8th, 2012

Tale of Narvi is an adventure/stand alone game created for the Aduelle setting as part of 1km1kt’s 24 Hour RPG Little Spaces Competition. It takes place on an Azekali skyship as it attempts to deal with issues related to its controller homunculus being deathly afraid of its captain.

As with most of my games, it was made entirely in the GIMP, Scribus, and LibreOffice, and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.

Be sure to download the PDF files using the arrow on the right of their file description to get the full advantage of their features.

The Silent Void

May 7th, 2012

Created for the 2012 24Hr RPG contest. “the Silent Void” (or “tSV” for short) is a ruleslite, dice-less, play-by-post, survival, role playing game. Pretty much everything needed to play is contained with in this pamphlet. “tSV” has been created for small gaming groups to play via email, blog, chat, twitter, or message board.

The Players are adrift in space. Each is in his/her own EVA suit. They are luckily in contact with the station AI, also known as Keeton. The GM plays the role of Keeton. The player(s) through dialog, and the expenditure of resources must try to survive long enough to be rescued by other station
personnel, or make their way back to the station on their own.

Dr Keeton’s Machine

May 6th, 2012

Written for the 2012 24-hour RPG contest. It is a Victorian-Steampunk era RPG taking place inside a computer. It uses a relatively simple D20 combat system, and is best for one-shots.

There is almost no pre-game accounting, so you can dive in almost immeadiately.

Heroes Against Darkness

May 1st, 2012

Imagine an ancient world torn apart by primal powers.  A place where magic runs through all living things and erupts from the minds of powerful magi, where humans, elves, dwarves and orcs walk the same earth, where ancient gods fight side-by-side with mortals in an endless battle between order and chaos.

Adventure is everywhere. This is the world of Heroes Against Darkness.

Heroes Against Darkness is a free, fast, flexible, and fully-featured fantasy d20 RPG system. The game is quick to learn and play, while offering progressively greater options and flexibility as players develop their characters and explore the breadth and depth of the system.

For Players:

    • A game that’s fast, fun and deep
    • Streamlined rules system using unified mechanics
    • Eleven character classes for all play-styles
    • Three martial classes: Warrior, barbarian, berserker
    • Two specialist classes: Rogue, hunter
    • One hybrid class that combines magic and martial: Hospiter
    • Five magi classes: Warlock, healer, canonate, necromancer, mystic
    • Extensive character background and skill options
    • Fast character building with plenty of depth
    • Martial and specialist classes get meaningful combat choices through class-specific techniques that are based on trade-offs and the unique capabilities of each class
    • Anima points-based magic system with five main schools focusing on each of the following; physical, healing, protection, necrotic and controlling


For GMs:

  • A system that’s easy for the GM to set up and run
  • Intuitive and clear rules
  • Set up unique combat encounters in minutes
  • A simple ability test system for non-combat challenges
  • Support for long-term campaign play
  • Extensive GM’s Guide to help run the game
  • Huge bestiary with over 80 monsters
  • A framework for quickly making custom monsters
  • A comprehensive world-building guide
  • Appendix of key tables for GMs

StaMTaR: Standard Method for Tasks Resolution in Role-Playing Games

April 18th, 2012

This work is a very simple method for the task resolution during RPG sessions. It is a tool for game designers and developers, so it does not contain any definition, not even the “task resolution” or “RPG” ones. Because it is released under CC-BY, it can be easily included in games, also commercial products.

In other words, anyone can build its own RPG using the rules described here. Even better, having a lot of different games based on StaMTaR (“stamtardised” games) could be a very useful thing both for players and authors, IMHO. A standardised process could lead to a scenario in which a lot of products (both free and commercial) exist, products fully mutually compatible.

In the cruel modern world in which standards are often defined by marketing rules such an attempt could seem foolish. But I want to try.

Update 9/3/12: An expanded difficulty table is included, as well as an appendix for magic use in the “stamtardised” framework.
The first revision is based on playtest and web-based feedback.

Sci-Fi Beta Kappa

April 14th, 2012

Get into a spot of bother on your homeworld? Don’t fancy a spell on the prison planet? No problem, go and do a degree at Weber College, the fustiest, dustiest learning establishment on the East Coast. Eh? Don’t like the sound of that? Prison planet it is then. Yeah, thought that’d make you change your mind. Next shuttle leaves in ten hours. You’d better be on it.


Don’t know much about History? Biology? A science book? Then you’ll fit right in to Alien House. It’s the coolest, hippest, happening-est frat house on campus, but watch out! Dean ‘Wormhole’ is on the warpath. He’s been trying to have Alien House closed down for years, and now he thinks he’s got them just where he wants them. Complete your studies, have a cracking time and save Alien House from closure. Do you think you can manage that?


Sci-Fi Beta Kappa is a game where players take on the role of slacker aliens with a bunch of abilities such as power manipulation, enhanced senses, larceny, super strength etc., who, having been kicked off their homeworlds for various misdemeanours, have been exiled to Terra. There, they get into all sorts of scrapes and are under constant surveillance by Dean ‘Wormhole’, who hates aliens and is always looking for an excuse to close down Alien House.


Intro scenario: Toga! Toga! Toga! The Dean has just given AH a massive dressing down and spirits are low. What better way to lift them than with a toga party? After all, what could possibly go wrong?


Think Animal House meets Men in Black, with a dash of Monsters And Other Childish Things.