Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.


June 8th, 2005

Bloodworks is a generic RPG designed to create conflicted characters for a variety of genres. Though generic, Bloodworks is designed to be flavorful and to provide a character a constant threat–his own “dark side.”

Vitally, there are two parts to each character: his Face and his Bane. A character’s Face is what is usually seen in the game; it’s every part of the character that he has worked on or picked up, his skills, occupation, and niche. A character’s Bane is the part of him that tries to hold him back.

Each character occupies a distinct niche in the game, his/her Title. A Title implies something about the character; it should explain some of what he can do and his background. A good Title would be The Runaway Girl. The Title tells us what we need to know–the biggest factor in her background and perhaps some of her skills. It’s slightly binding, but not too much. A poor Title would be The Fighter. “Fighter” is too general to be effective; a better Title would be The Barroom Brawler, The Jaded Gunman, or The Alleyway Knifer.

The Ten Thousand Stances

June 5th, 2005

High flying Kung-Fu antics, and everything one would expect from a bad Wuxia movie. only 11 pages, and a little rough around the edges, but it should be a fun play. Combat is fast and furious

Fabula Altisonis

June 3rd, 2005

Download from (.rar)

Fabula Altisonis: an Audio RPG- a pen and paper RPG presented in a Audio Book format. It’s accompanied by a “reader,” a hardcopy reference guide with info and clarifications, and the setting. The Entire 15 files (14 mp3s, 1 pdf) RARed together is around 8.75 megs.

The Dinner Party

May 29th, 2005

A game of social viciousness and revelation for 4-8 mature players. The setting is a dinner party in November 1974 – the players act out their characters Hangups while playing spiteful conversational games and getting progressively more drunk. Can you gain enough courage to face your Issue, or will you collapse in the downstairs lavatory or get thrown out of the party? Uses six-sided dice for resolution, the rules are simple but the tactics are deep. Like a Harold Pinter play, but with less pauses!

Blood and Bronze

May 29th, 2005

In the classical period of Greece, some say it was gods who vied for power, some say it was kings. But no matter how passionately they argue about gods and men, they all agree on the means to power:

Blood and Bronze.

Blood and Bronze is a role-playing game set in the classical period of Greek supremacy. When each city was a kingdom, each with its patron god or goddess, and each desiring what their neighbor had.

Players each take on the role of one of these cities and work to have their city reign unchallenged.

Operation Foole

May 29th, 2005

You and one other player take on the role of Agent Patriot and West Berlin native and insect expert, Lukas von Mises, as you attempt to thwart a demon who is set on stopping the Berlin Airlift! In this fast-paced parody of the old pulps, it’s not about the destination — everyone knows Agent Patriot will win — but how you get there.

The Gentlemen’s Entomology Club

May 28th, 2005

The Gentlemen’s Entomology Club is a roleplaying game of wine-drinking, boasting, beetles and some incidental rationalist philosophy. You take the role of an aging eighteenth century entomologist attempting to impress his peers with tales of adventures seeking bizarre insects in far-flung corners of the world. Your objective is to tell the most diverting stories of the evening.


May 28th, 2005

A game of rebellion for two players

This game was thematically inspired by the French Revolution; specifically, the period after the revolution, when the noble agenda of the revolutionaries devolved into that which they hated in the first place. This game is about some kind of rebellion and its aftermath.

The Governor’s Report Concerning the Doomed Assault on the Fire Moon

May 27th, 2005

The unmitigated disaster on the Fire Moon represents our single greatest defeat to date in the Tornado Nebula campaign. The public demands an accounting. At the Governor’s request we have assembled a Board of Inquiry, and we have called witnesses from the participating service branches, and we will get to the bottom of this matter. There may be praise, there may be heartbreak, but there will definitely be blame.

City of the Moon

May 27th, 2005

In city of the moon, take the role of a woman in the imperial court of classical Japan. Adept at one of the creative Arts, each woman is pursuing a Destiny that she hopes will lead her to fame and power, love, or true artistic endeavour. Their fates are intertwined, and the players collaborate to support and and oppose the characters’ goals.