Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.


July 16th, 2005

Starriders is my effort to create a 24hour RPG. Though I finished it, I am not so much happy because my poor english limited the draft of the game.

For the rest Starriders is a sci-fi game in which you can drive starship around for the galaxy making business of all types. Yes, you can be a space pirate if you want :)

Crack Kung Fu Fighting Bunnies Go!

July 14th, 2005

In the dystopian world of underground animal fighting, a new sport has gained prominence among Space Pirate Circles. Now all Space Pirate Asteroids feature a Bunny Arena! In an electrocuted 2-meter ring sits two fluffy bunnies, cyberneticaly enhanced and drug-fuelled to become the ultimate in underground sports entertainment.

Beyond the Glow

July 11th, 2005

“Beyond the Glow” is my attempt to build a better Gamma World rpg within 24 hours – and I failed miserably. Nonetheless I’d like to submit the incomplete attempt because I like the cover ;-) I’ll continue to work on the game and provide an update (outside the 24 hour contest) once it’s really done. Sadly right now some major parts are missing because I fumbled at the end while working on layout questions and thus disrupted my time plan.

Maybe there is something of interest nonetheless…

Reaper Madness

July 2nd, 2005

Reaper Madness is a dark comedy RPG about dead people.

In Reaper Madness, players take on the roles of Grim Reapers. It?s their job to help the dead move on to whatever awaits them in the afterlife. Most of the time, this is a pretty simple thing?you just walk up to the soon-to-be deceased, snatch their soul, and then try not to stare too much or hurl when they get corpsified. Sometimes, though, the dead don?t want to move on, and it?s up to you to persuade them that their time on earth is through. Even simple jobs can become difficult if the Reaper gets too involved with the client before he or she dies; some people you just wish you could let live.


July 1st, 2005

Savagery is a game of emotional combat. Having joined a club, characters decide now is time for a change in their lives. Whether that change is beneficial or brings them to madness and suffering is up to them.

If you haven?t encountered a Roleplaying Game (RPG) then a quick summary is that you work with other players, acting out characters of your own design to enjoy a fictional world of someone else?s design. The rules of the game are there to help guide you in having fun. But the important part is that you focus on making sure you?re not the only one enjoying themselves. And of course one of the most common ways to have fun in an RPG is to get into a fight. Not a real fight, an imaginary fight, since they?re easier to get into and less trouble if you lose.


July 1st, 2005

Transmutation is a game set in a fantastic world where the very rules of reality obey a strange form of alchemy.

Transmutation is a Roleplaying Game (RPG). This means that when you play Transmutation, you take on the persona of a character you created yourself. Then in this role, you, the other players, and an additional player called the Games Master (or just GM for short) work together to explore and achieve your characters? goals. Your part in this is to decide what your character does in response to situations and how he or she interacts with the other player?s characters. The other players do likewise. At the same time, the GM?s task is to fill in the details of the world, act out any extra characters, and make things interesting for you and the other players.

Investigation Squad

June 28th, 2005

Investigation Squad is a role-playing game set in a Game Runner made city packed with crime organizations and people. The players are the main members of a crack down organization created to control it.

The players get a set amount of people and money to make the organization, then they make their own decisions about what to do and where to go. Part of the organization is the tactical squad that handles the combat portion of the game.

The Game Runner (GR) creates all the things that the crime organizations do on a calendar of events and all the people and places in the organization. Thus the players discover a hidden world, it is not made up as they play.

The players do not create much of a character because it is not really necessary in the game.

This game is difficult to play because it is not always apparent what to do. I hope you enjoy the challenge

Sky Ace

June 25th, 2005


Is a game of tactical combat between highflying superheroes using playing cards and miniatures.

Sky Ace is my attempt to meet the 24 Hour RPG Challenge. Started on: June 22, 2005 at 9:45 PM and completed on: June 23, 2005 at 9:41 PM.

Crime Kings

June 25th, 2005

Crime Kings is a role playing where the players take on the role of criminals and try to make as much money as they can by doing bad guy things. The players decide what to do and what crimes to commit; then the GR improvises with his knowledge and tells them what happens.

The GR also makes a city with police that have procedures and other factions like drug dealers etc. These can also prove a problem to players and result in a more challenging game.

Repeatedly showing up on the scene of banks and robbing them with nothing happening would get boring. The game runner (GR) puts unexpected things in all the things the players do.

I hope you enjoy to game as much as I enjoyed making it.

Dungeon Squad

June 16th, 2005

Dungeon Squad is a role-playing game designed expressly for young players with short attention spans who demand action and fun. There is a lot of die rolling and some amusing shopping and number-crunching. Characters can be generated in 3 seconds.