Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.


August 2nd, 2005

As the vultures circled overhead, Bronze knelt upon the burning sand and tore two strips of cloth from his robe with which to bind his feet. He had stopped sweating two hours ago and had cast off his sword as dead weight the night before. Parched to the bone and completely defenseless, if the heat didn?t kill him before he reached Halandor, the grak dogs would. And that was the last thought Bronze had before he collapsed face down in the sand.

Bronze is a set of rules designed to emulate swords and sorcery adventure in the vein of Lin Carter, Fritz Leiber, and Robert E. Howard. Bronze actually began life as Zak Arntson?s Thord of Relings, a set of intriguing design notes that can be found over at the Harlekin Maus site ( While attempting to play a game using those notes, several changes were made along the way and, ultimately, a new set of rules was born.

Yakuza Armageddon

August 2nd, 2005

Step into a world gone to Hell as Yakuza gangsters given strange powers fight their way out of the madness. Features young punks versus demons and card based resolution system. Inspired by the Persona and Megami Tensei games.


July 25th, 2005

AssassinX is a short RPG of gory violence where the players take on the roles of professional (or not quite so professional) killers with a job to do.

This book includes full rules for designing a deadly and unhinged killing machine, and then throwing it into a nihilistic nightmare of murder and mayhem.

All you need to play is a pencil, 200 ten-sided dice, a few friends you can trust not to call the cops on you, and your own sick imagination

The Further Adventures of the Good Ship Shenandoah

July 24th, 2005

This isn’t your Daddies’ Enterprise. For one thing, some of these ships were built in Detroit! For another, it’s only the 21st Century, fifty years after WWIII, the Wet Fire Cracker War, instigated by the Cuban Missile Crisis and some meddling alien villains, the Azjeksi, or cockroaches, a fast-breeding Bad Guy race with problems of their own.

The Further Adventures of the Good Ship Shenandoah: The bare bones of a Space Opera setting, several alien races and some rules for making characters. Check it out and try to ignore the bad artwork.


July 24th, 2005

Trapped! A Roleplaying Game of Comedic Horror.

The game uses a standard deck of cards instead of dice. Players send each other’s characters on dangerous missions and manipulate Extras to do stupid stuff

Trapped is a role-playing game for 3-6 players. That means you make up a fictional character and guide him through an imaginary world. In this game, the imaginary world is some dangerous place you can?t easily escape, and your character is likely somewhat comical in nature. Sometimes the other players make bad things happen to your character and you determine how you?ll try to get your character out of trouble.

Alternate Dungeon Squad

July 22nd, 2005

Alternate Dungeon Squad is based on and expanded from the 24 hour game DUNGEON SQUAD created by Jason Morningstar as posted here. and is covered by the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Creative Commons license. Any comments regarding Alternate Dungeon Squad may be sent to

DUNGEON SQUAD is a great, simple system designed to introduce younger players to Role Playing Games. Alternate Dungeon Squad takes that and modifies it to suit my tastes as more experienced, older and time poor gamer.

It assumes a measure of RPG experience on behalf the players and referee, can be used in just about any fantasy setting and suits both story driven play as well as hack and slash gaming (or at least that?s the intention).

Intergalactic Cooking Challenge

July 18th, 2005

Greetings, one and all. Tonight’s Intergalactic Cooking Challenge looks like it’s going to be a rough one. Dash o’ Cinnamon, the high-flying pirate chef from Neo-England is back and ready to get his revenge on Elgar the Outsider. Does Dash have something new up his sleeve, or is his exuberant appeal to the crowd nothing more than false bravado? Are Dash’s allegations that Elgar was responsible for the spice raids on Neo-Bristol true?

Waxing Lyrical

July 17th, 2005

Another game in 24 hours. Actually in 6 hours, in between a large number of other things. So much less material than my last one and much less completeness. Also had a bad computer crash part the way through those 6 hours, and lost about an hour. So call it 5 hours. But I got the core ideas in, so yay me. If this generates any interest, will do another version down the track. Doubt it, but you never know your luck and there is no accounting for taste. It is missing character sheet, game world examples and examples of play, and needs all of them to make it shine. Ah well.


July 16th, 2005

In an instant, you can change your future. In 4 seconds, you can change the world. An RPG of precognitive military operatives with mechanic that focuses more on the degree of success than typical target-number systems.

4SIGHT is a traditional role-playing game in structure. One participant takes the role of the Game Master (or GM); the others participants take the role of player characters (PCs). These rules are presented in a fashion common to RPGs. Part 1 introduces the basic mechanics. Part 2 presents rules for characters. Part 3 presents rules for conflicts. Part 4 provides resources and advice for the GM.

Lone General

July 16th, 2005

My third attempt at creating a game in 24 hours, and my second successful completion. This one is a war game for unaccompanied commander. 4 armies, 6 fronts, and 256 ways to configure the solitaire opponent. If you’re ready for conflict, roll out!

Well, this is my attempt to write a war game in 24 hours, officially stated at : (midnight) according to my watch ? which is 5-8 minuets off schedule from the rest of the world, but a day is still a day.

I had originally wanted to make a game where it was a long story, with all the rules being parenthetical remarks to back up what happened. However, being borderline obsessive compulsive, I stated making a list before I was ready ? prior preparation is a big no no in this contest. So I needed to try something else. Admittedly, I’ve been thinking about this for a few hours, but no writing. If you want to disqualify me on that ? well, its a war game, so it doesn’t fit the 24 hour rpg anyway.