Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Darling Grove

September 22nd, 2005

You and your best friends have moved to the suburbs. Life is better there, and you can concentrate on fulfilling your dreams and sharing your good fortune with your girlfriends. Who will get married first? Who will get their dream job? And will you help each other, or let your own desires get in the way of your friendship? All of this drama will play itself out in Darling Grove.

King Rat

September 18th, 2005

Wealth, influence, power… now you can have it all. The whole world is too big to control, but what if your world suddenly becomes much smaller? In “King Rat” players take the roles of King Rats – persons whose sole goal is creating their own empires in a community in which they find themselves trapped. Inspired by one of the author’s favorite novels of all time, James Clavell’s “King Rat” (love it or feel my Hatred). Also a submission to the first “Ronnies” contest run by Ron Edwards.

Sloat and Larkin

September 17th, 2005

Designed for the Ronnies (suburb and rat), this is a quick hack on the rules for The Puddle (a Pool variant) mixed with the attribute quadrants I’d once tried for a card-based game. Almost all of the names in the work come from streets in San Francisco, with a few exceptions (like Jug and Carrot).

The Wold Class Rats Handbook

September 17th, 2005

“World Class Rats” A mostly freeform RPG with a few simple drama mechanics to simulate the world of the ‘gritty folk’ called rats. Only 12 pages, good for a light-hearted one shot.

World Class Rats is a Role-Playing Game. In World Class Rats you take on the role of a rat or a gritty kind of person and try to accomplish pre-set objectives in a kind of imagine space. In World Class Rats there are two roles that you can take. There is the Gamemaster who explains what the setting is and generally resolves things that happen and there are players who drive the game and act as the protagonists. Each player has her/his own character that (s)he creates before the game. Generally, each player is responsible for her/his own character and the Gamemaster is responsible for everything else.

Alien Angels

September 16th, 2005

Since the earliest days of space travel it has been one of Man?s fondest dreams to discover life beyond our Solar system ? especially if that life is drop-dead gorgeous. Alien Angels is a game wherein that dream comes true, albeit in an unexpected manner.

Imagine a world much like the real world. People have the same struggles, natural disasters threaten many and political turmoil is rampant. Now add one extra ingredient; extraterrestrials are real. They walk the Earth in human guise, living and working alongside us, with no one knowing who and what they are. But this invasion differs from B-movie alien attacks in two important respects. One, these aliens have come not to conquer but to move in. No ships will fill the skies, and no death rays will incinerate all who oppose the newcomers from the stars. This war is one of quiet infiltration. Second, all of these invaders are young females. The reason for this provides the central conflict of the game.

Players Collide

September 16th, 2005

The basic concept of players collide is that the players divide up between two (or possibly more) groups, then the oppose each other in some sort of situation. The GR (game runner) might make police on robbers, space pirates on a company shipping security or two spy organizations. The players make the leaders or controllers of the side for their characters and then the GR makes the rest of the side they chose. The player’s however, get to give their side things.

Play works like this. The GR takes what the players of a side say they are doing and how long it will take for the actions to be completed is then determined. The GR then goes over to the other side and gets their actions and how long they will take. The GR then informs a side if something interesting interrupts their actions, which could be the other side’s action. Combat is handled by each person involved saying what they are going to do. The action has a time in seconds and each second is counted off and finished actions happen at the end of the second. The players could look up an action on a table or make their own by timing things in the air or just estimating how long it would take.

Craig House is the Author of Players Collide and can be reached at

Regis Furor

September 14th, 2005

You are psychic. You have the ability to change lives, alter the course of humanity–but to do so, you must surrender yourself to rage.

Regis Furor is a 24-Hour RPG (a roleplaying game started and completed within 24 hours) about characters transcending their weaknesses and the innate violence of their special powers to do great things.

The system is a modified version of Bloodworks, a previous RPG project. The game has been fully rewritten (not copied and pasted) to comply with a yet-to-be-revealed updated version of the system.

The Suburban Crucible

September 13th, 2005

The Suburban Crucible is a game about institutional racism and the serious impact its subtle influence can have on your life. Written, sort of, as an entry for the Ronnies, but more because the idea grabbed my be the throat and wouldn’t let go.

Yes, this is a game about racial prejudice. But it’s not about violent, hate-filled prejudice, it’s about subtle and insidious prejudice. It’s also a game about relationship friction: how do you reconcile the relationships you have with the one’s you’re building. Finally, it’s a game about choice: when it comes down to him or her, who gets the ax?

Ideally this is a game about difficult choices. It turns out that it does not take much to make the choices easy, and it takes quite a bit of work to make them hard.

Guilt and Frustration

September 13th, 2005

When you are ripped apart by guilt and frustration, when your zest for life is gone, when your past choices have made you resentful and hateful, and you just want to harm somebody, who will you hurt? Guilt and Frustration deals with the conflict between a person’s repressed desires and the expectations of the outside world. It is a game about not quite being a man. Whoever wrote this is clearly in need of professional help. Guilt and Frustration is written as a 24 hour RPG, and is a submission to the September 25 Ronnies.

Black Widows

September 12th, 2005

In Black Widows, this incredibly short yet awesome RPG, you play the ex-girlfriends of Cobalt Gunn, a super-spy. Your mission: bring him to his knees.

There is a man, the world?s greatest super-spy, named Cobalt Gunn. Tall, dark, and handsome, he travels the globe doing super-spy things. If it?s an English-speaking country, he?s probably worked for it, stealing technology, learning secrets, shooting bad guys, and sleeping with exotic beauties. Wicked, deadly exotic beauties that he so casually left behind without even as much as a convenient lie to at least show he cared; not even so much as a ?well, that was nice, but I?ve got to go out and save the world early this morning and I?ll call you later.?

That son of a bitch.