Free RPG Games

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Today: A Game About the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

October 6th, 2005

Everyday someone in your city, your town, is on the edge. You can’t always tell by looking them over, but if you look into their eyes, their souls, you can see that something inside them is in danger of breaking. Pain is a part of the human condition; no one can avoid it. But sometimes the Pain becomes overwhelming, it consumes everything that is good, blots out the sun, and threatens to swallow your entire life. Sometimes this overwhelming Pain is fresh and fiery like a fever or an open wound, other times it’s an old festering sore that is slick with the pus of curdled memories. It doesn?t matter, one day will come when the Pain is brought to a head. On that day, your ability to Fight, to stand strong in the face of your Pain, determines whether you live or die. Of course, the physical death may not come quickly, but the spiritual one will be immediate ? there will be no more Fight in you, you will be only an empty shell drowned in Pain. A Pain that will only be extinguished in death.

Today might seem like any other day, but today is the day you face your Pain. Maybe it’s a choice you made, or maybe it’s a series of rude coincidences ? either way, today you Fight or give in, break down or break through. A part of you already knows which way it’s gonna turn out; it?s been written in your eyes for a long, long time.


October 5th, 2005

Centzontotochtin, the Four Hundred Rabbits, are having a party, and many of the gods will attend. It is a time for celebration and subterfuge in equal parts. The four principal gods will seek new wives and new alliances.

Ronnies Note

Xochitlcozamalotl uses “cosmos” and “sphere” and does not include “fight” or “pain”. Sphere refers to the overlapping influence and authority of the four player character gods – each represents an elemental sphere. Cosmos refers to cosmos bipinnatus, Mexican aster, a daisy-like flower that grows in absurd abundance in the Valley of Mexico.

My Hero

October 1st, 2005

This is my first attempt at a 24-hour RPG. The idea was to create a simple superhero RPG where the artistic ability of the players replaced the random rolling of dice for character creation and combat. If I had more time I would include artwork, advice on how to draw people, and probably add rules for movement. Next time I do this I will not do it on a workday. Hope you have fun with this. systems.

This game assumes players are all familiar with superheroes, role playing games and role playing terms, but just in case here is one definition that needs to be made clear. ?Player? is one of the human beings playing the game. ?Character,? or ?Hero,? is the creation of a player. If the Hero gets beaten up, the Hero can be fine in the next scene. If a player gets hurt, they might take a long time to heal. If anyone has trouble telling the difference between the player and the Hero, I suggest they switch to a less demanding game, like Checkers maybe.

To play this game you need the following:

  • A copy of these rules
  • A pile of superhero comic books
  • Lots of blank paper
  • Colored pencils and pens, probably one set for every player
  • A digital watch
  • At least 3 players, 4 or 5 would be better.
  • A table and some chairs, good lighting, some refreshments, etc.

    Of the players, one person will run the game. Some systems call this person the Game Master. Here, we call them The Man. A woman can be The Man, but you would still call her The Man. The Man?s job is to enforce the rules, interpret the rules and, if necessary, make up more rules. If a player disagrees with The Man, they are allowed to spend five minutes arguing with The Man, after which time if The Man has not changed his or her opinion, the player?s proper response is ?Well, You The Man.? and they should then accept the ruling and continue to play. Players who violate the five-minute rule may have their Hero suddenly take Whomp damage (explained later) loose Brownie Points (also explained later) and may not be invited back to future game sessions.

  • Dirty F***ing Freaks

    October 1st, 2005

    A live-action roleplaying game about circus freaks, fighting and f**king.

    When I lived in San Francisco, I played a live-action roleplaying game. It was often exciting, sometimes boring and always frustrating.

    Dirty Fucking Freaks is provoked by that game. Although I won’t name the system, there were parts I loved and parts I hated. I’ll refer to it, imaginatively, as The Game.

    This introduction explains what I liked about The Game and what I didn’t. Skip it if you want. (But it mentions teenagers in fishnet stockings).

    Whitecollar Punks

    October 1st, 2005

    A formalistic-narrativistic exercise in urban violence in the tradition of Fight Club. Three or more players, one longish session. Storytelling and tactical elements, resembles Under the Bed and Breaking the Ice, to name a couple of examples of similar stuff.

    This is a Ronnies game for the October contest. Rules are: make a 24h game Ron Edwards wants to play, and win some respect and dough. Except, you have to use two and only two of four terms: fight, pain, cosmos, sphere. Should be obvious which ones this game’s using. Hey, nobody said that it has to be innovative.

    And yeah, I wanted to name the game My Fight Club Game , but didn’t have the balls.


    September 26th, 2005

    It’s not long, there are no pictures, it’s not polished. But who has time for all of that. It’s in TXT, but you don’t have time to download a PDF anyways. Spazz is a game that was written in 68 minutes. I wanted to make it in an hour, but the Pressure got to me. No more time to describe. Got things to do.

    12:56pm -1:57pm (4:12 with spell check) Sept 25th 25

    Spazz is set in a world like our own. Exactly like our own. There is no time. None at all. You can’t relax. You have work to do. People are depending on you. If you mess up then the whole thing is over. Pressure and Strife keep getting in your way. You have Limitations, but you have Ambitions too. And thru it all there is always some one yelling at you. some one who keeps throwing things in your way, some one who controls everything you do. Everything’s a Struggle, and your the Victim.

    —————Items needed———————–
    at least two clocks and /or stop watchs where you can measure seconds
    Ten minutes
    Two or more people

    Here are some ideas to set the mood for a Spazz game:
    Get 25 ticking clocks.
    Get Strobe lights.
    Drink Triple caffeinated coffee
    Play Traditional Japanese music played at triple speed, backwards, on repeat.
    Get into a life or death situation.
    Play in a cramped room or closet.
    Have everyone write an RPG in one hour while playing.

    -Yeller: The person who tells you what to do, what other games would call a ‘GM’ or ‘Game Master’.
    -Limitations: The piece of paper that tells you what your character can do, what other games would call a ‘Character Sheet’.
    -Strife: The thing that stops you from doing what you want. what other games might call a ‘check’.
    -Pressure: The amount of time you have to do something, what other games might call a ’round’.
    -Struggle: The events that happen that keep you from achieving your goals; what other games might call a ‘Story’
    -Ambition: The thing you are trying to do; what other games would call a ‘goal.’
    -Qualification: The thing you can do. What other games might call a ‘skill’

    -Yeller: The person that tells you everything that is happening to the victim.
    -Victim: the person who is trying to get something done

    ———————–The Pressure———————————
    The Pressure is the amount of time you have in order to do something. The Pressure is counted in seconds.

    ———————-Starting a Struggle—————————
    Wait ten seconds, then everyone yells “not it” the person who yells “not it” first is the Yeller. Everyone else is the victim.
    can’t agree who was first? start over.

    ———————-Limitation Creation—————————
    Pressure to create Limitations: 45
    -Each Victim gets a piece of paper. Is it crumpled up? If yes, the victim better find another sheet of paper quick.
    -Each Victim gets a pen. If the Victim only brought a pencil, they had better find a pen quick.
    -Each Victim writes the Victim’s name on the paper. Did the Victim put the Character’s name in the upper left hand
    corner? If so crumple the paper up and start again.
    -Each Victim makes a list of things the Victim is good at. Are there less then 5 skills? If so crumple the Character up and start again. These are the victim’s Qualifications.
    -Each Victim puts a number next to each Qualification. Do any of the numbers come to more then 5? If so crumple the sheet up and start over.
    -Add all the numbers on all of the Victims’s limitations. Does the total number come to more then 32? If yes then crumple the Character up and then start over.
    -Show the Yeller the Victims Limitations. Does it make sense? If not start over.
    -Did you complete the Task in the Pressure? No? Start over.

    ———————–The Struggle——————————–
    Pressure: 6
    The Victim calls out an Ambition. Then the Victim starts to explain what he would do to get to achieve the Ambition. The Yeller may tell the Victim what situations the Victim would encounter if they did the things the Victim describes. If any of these things would stop a Victim from obtaining their goal a Strife has started (see below). Continue this process until the Ambition is achieved. If the Pressure is over, so is the game. I’d say start over but no one should have time for more then a ten minute game.

    To resolve a Strife follow these steps:
    1) The victim tells the Yeller what qualifications that are on the Victim’s Limitations that would help the Victim over come the Strife. If the Yeller agrees with the Victim then proceed to step two, if not then the Victim has ten seconds to explain why the Qualification would help. If the Yeller still doesn’t agree then start step one over. If the Victim has no Qualifications that would help, then you must put an X on the Victims Limitations and proceed to Step 6.
    2)Yeller yells out a term and a number. This number should be less ten four.
    3) The Number next to the Qualification is now the Pressure.
    4)The Victim then call out a number of words that are related to word called out by the Yeller equal to the number the Yeller yelled.
    5) Did more seconds pass by then the Pressure? If so put an X on the Victims.
    6) Are there more then 3 X’s on the Limitations? If yes, the game is over, start over.
    7) Continue on with the Struggle where you left off.

    ——————–The Ambition———————————–
    Did the victim achieve the Ambition? If yes, good for them, they have completed a menial and pointless task. Want a reward? No time. You have millions of other tasks to do. Have you go t a stable relationship? no? Get a girlfriend. Is it time for work? Yes? Go to work. Got a job? No? get one. Going to school? Do your homework. Have you done your taxes? Do them. Come one, get going! I don’t have enough time to tell you what to do with the rest of your life. Go away!… OK you can add a total of three to your Qualification, and if everyone agrees you can use the limitations next time you play the game. Like you have time to play the game again. The Pressure is on!

    Cloaks and Daggers

    September 25th, 2005

    Cloaks and Daggers is role-playing game where the characters take the roles of spies in a spy organization. The players are let loose in a large GR (game runner) made world where they go do anything they want. If the players are at a loss about what to do, then the GR gives them an “involving event” to get things going again.

    The players give their characters an “advantage” which is like a class in other role-playing games. They pick from the categories like talent, trait, and possession and then give themselves powers with it. i.e. a 5% chance to make someone believe them.

    Combat is handled like this. Characters declare their action, which have a time to complete in seconds. The GR counts off each second and finished actions happen at the end of the seconds. They can pick from a list of actions or use their own. Combat is not intended to be a major part of this game.

    A section on spy equipment and tactics is provided to give the players some sense of what they could do as spies. Without it, they would not know what to do more than a normal person off the street would.

    I hope you enjoy this role-playing game as much as I have enjoyed making it

    The End of the World

    September 24th, 2005

    A zombie game that focuses more on issues of betrayal, trust and the breakdown of society than it does on shambling corpses. systems.

    For some unknown reason, the dead have begun to rise from their graves. Perhaps an advanced scientific experiment or chemical weapon is responsible. Or possibly the dead have returned because of black magics or other occult knowledge long hidden from society at large. Perhaps it is the end of the world, as the televangelist channel proclaimed for a while before it turned to static.

    You don’t know why, but you know that shambling, formerly human creatures have invaded your peaceful little suburb. As far as you can tell, everyone else in the city is dead, except for a terrified few other that you have found. You have all congregated together for mutual protection, but as the stress increases, the internal tensions of your compatriots may be more dangerous to you than the undead outside the window.

    Thematically, the game is about the breakdown of social taboos and mores. Once these outside limitations are removed, the hatred that usually bubbles beneath the surface comes forth. Zombies are only in the game peripherally as a way of addressing these themes, really. Perhaps other apocalypses could be substituted. Anything where the normal rules of society have broken down. The nice suburb that the PCs lived in has been disrupted, for some reason, and now they have to band together and deal with that. More frightening, though, is that they need to deal with each other as their own sense of morality breaks down.

    The game really requires four or more player characters, plus a GM, as with fewer players the hatred relationships are easily figured out.

    1KM1KT Braces For Hurricane Rita

    September 22nd, 2005

    To all of the 1KM1KT visitors and subscribers:

    This message is intended to inform our visitors that we are based in the Dallas, Fort Worth area of Texas and are currently expecting some involvement with hurricane Rita over the next few days. Although we are not anticipating power outages or things of that nature, they are certainly a possiblity. If you notice any problems with the site rest assured that we are monitoring the situation and any problems will be resolved as quickly as possible.

    Wish us luck, and send your good thoughts out to our evacuee friends from Houston as well as the already uprooted Katrina refugees. Remember you too can help, and every little bit is important.

    Space Rat

    September 22nd, 2005

    At last! A role playing game based on your favourite intergalactic anti-hero, Jack Cosmos – the Space Rat. You’ve read of his cheesy escapades in the international best selling novels, you’ve seen his devious antics on the nationally syndicated television series, and collected the spring-loaded glow-in-the-dark action figures.

    Now you can take part in his outrageous adventures too! Suit up and prepare for action – you’re about to join the Space Rat’s cadre of needy girlfriends, the Femme Babes, as they set out on another wild ride across the universe!

    In Space Rat: the Jack Cosmos Adventure Game! players become members of the Femme Babes, helping Jack on his adventures in the hope that he will pay them a little extra attention. As a Femme Babe you will have to work with the other girls to complete the mission, but at the same time you want to make sure no one gets more attention than you!