Free RPG Games

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October 12th, 2005

Hierarchy is a game for large groups of people. It is set in a psuedo-Japanese world where the Emporer and his lords constantly jostle for control of the empire. All players are responsible to be GM’s at some point and take the risk of putting thier honor on the line. This game was a submission in the Ronny Award Contest of October 25 run by Adept Press.

Hierarchy is an engaging roleplaying game for groups of 8 to 15 people. It is set in a very pseudo-Japanese fantasy world where the Emperor reigns with iron authority, but is always in danger of being usurped. The key to Hierarchy is conflict. If you can overcome the obstacles you put before yourself, then you will advance and win the game. To win, you must become the undisputed Emperor of Fhen (the world in which this game is set). Conflict and contention are built heavily into this game. The player who helps you one moment, will turn on you the next. Danger and heroism lurk around every corner.

Left Coast

October 12th, 2005

In Left Coast, you play semi-famous science fiction authors living in late 196Os California. The game’s inspired by the lives of people like Philip K. Dick and L. Ron Hubbard.

As an author, you try to balance writing with dealing with your everyday lives and problems (marriage, children, rent) and the struggle to not go nuts under the strain of your immense creativity.

And your situation is complicated by the fact that one of your friends is writing a novel about you, … and either their plot is bleeding over into your real life or you are slowly becoming aware you might be a fictional character. As a game of Left Coast plays out, you will gradually become enmeshed in an web of weird and unnatural forces – forces who have a plan designed to upset your already-unstable life.

Left Coast is a game for 2-4 players that involves some co-GMing. It’s designed to promote a relaxed exploration of character and setting, with the occasional pretentious flash of meta-narratives, post-modernism, and nuttiness.

Play is divided into chapters or short stories, and every author sets a goal that they’re trying to achieve during that chapter. You can probably play a self-contained short story of Left Coast in about 2 hours, with the option to continue the game for longer (probably between 3 to 6 sessions).


October 12th, 2005

Action! Ancient evil! Mysticism! Kung fu! Gunplay! Players are members of a highly trained secret society of martial artists and mystics known as the Brotherhood, trying to save humanity from the assemblage of mind-destroying alien horrors from beyond called the Drove. This is an entry to the October 25 Ronnies, using Fight and Cosmos as the keywords.

This is a game about ass-kicking and mad cosmic power. Each player represents a member of a highly trained secret society of martial artists and mystics known as the Brotherhood, trying to save humanity from the assemblage of mind-destroying alien horrors from beyond called the Drove. Reality pulses to the tick of a cosmic clock. Every eight hundred and forty-seven years the battle must be fought again, else reality as humanity knows it will slip away, to be replaced by something else. Now that the cycle is at an end, rumors have surfaced within the cloister that it is possible for one human, after surviving the battle, to sit at the throne and shape the cosmos for the next twenty-eight generations.


October 11th, 2005

They are the last survivors of their race, adrift in the cosmos and trying to find a new home. During their search, some of them will die. How will the other deal with the pain of their loss. Submitted for the October 25 Ronnies using the themes pain and cosmos.

Their world is gone now, destroyed by their lone, unstable sun going supernova. They are the survivors, inhabitants of a massive colony ship carrying one million people, frozen and asleep, searching for a home. When the ship reaches a suitable star system, it awakens a small number of people to serve as crew and explore the planets in hope that one of them will prove a suitable home for the last remnants of their race.

The universe is not a hospitable place. There is vast space between the individual pockets of life, the hope of the silent millions aboard the ship.

It is a false hope. The universe does not want these survivors, and everywhere they go, there will be threats that would annihilate their. The crew visits the planets, each time hoping against hope that the next planet will be the one they can live on, their new homeworld. The rest of the time, they are adrift in the cosmos.

The Dark Wood

October 11th, 2005

The Dark Wood was produced as a part of the October 25 Ronnies, a 24-hour RPG challenge sponsored by Ron Edwards on the Forge. Each player takes the role of a poor soul who has committed suicide, and is given one last chance to redeem themselves. Those who succeed will ascend to one of the ten Heavenly Spheres, and those who fail will be condemned to suffer on the banks of the Phlegethon River for the rest of eternity, never to know the grace of God. This game is built around the terms “Pain” (in reference to the worldly pain experienced by the characters, which drives them to their sad fate at the beginning of play), and “Sphere” (referring to the Heavenly Spheres which represent the redeemed characters’ ultimate goal).

The Dark Wood is a role-playing game about worldly pain, the consequences that may follow, and redemption after it seems that all hope is lost. The players play the part of the souls of people who have committed suicide, and have therefore been condemned to Hell, their souls inhabiting a black, thorny tree on the banks of the River Phlegethon, their bodies hanging from their barren limbs. All hope is not lost, however. As the trees are wounded by the Harpies as part of their torment, they are granted the ability to speak, and tell the stories of how they came to take their own lives, and land themselves in such a lamentable situation. Although it is not often mentioned (for obvious reasons), this infernal torture is not always eternal ? some fortunate souls may, though introspection and atonement, cast off their worldly sins, and ascend to one of the Heavenly Spheres, to bask in the presence of God for the rest of eternity.

This task is not easy as one might imagine at the outset. The chance at salvation carries with it certain responsibilities and risks. Firstly, no soul may attempt to redeem itself alone ? when they are ready, a set number of damned souls are chosen, and given the opportunity to purge themselves of their Woe, and of the sins that brought about their fall. These souls are bound to one another, and may not leave the company of their fellow aspirants, lest they bring about the damnation of them all. Additionally, salvation is not assured. It is possible that this clutch of souls may fail at their task, and condemn one or more of their company to return to their punishment as a wounded

tree for some indeterminate period of time ? perhaps they will receive another opportunity to save themselves from eternal torment, perhaps this was their last hope, and they will never see grace again.

Cosmic Combat

October 9th, 2005

Cosmic Combat is a game about the Existence Wars, fought to determine the Fate Of The Universe. Players act the part of incredibly powerful creatures called Incarnates, able to manipulate the elementary matter of the cosmos. They’re generals leading armies that are fighting The Evil Hordes Of The Lords Of Entropy.
A year ago, at the center of the universe, a hole was ripped in the Fabric Of Space And Time, and a horde of Demonic Creatures poured out from The Other Side. Commanded by the terrible Lords Of Entropy the demon armies started their conquest of the cosmos, destroying everything in their path. Only the Incarnates stand between them and total annihilation, and you?re one of them.

Cosmic Combat is a game about the Existence Wars, fought to determine the Fate Of The Universe. Players act the part of incredibly powerful creatures called Incarnates, able to manipulate the elementary matter of the cosmos. They?re generals leading armies that are fighting The Evil Hordes Of The Lords Of Entropy.

This game was written for the October 25 Ronnies, using the terms Fight and Cosmos.


October 9th, 2005

Monotheism is a game of cosmic struggle where rival deities compete to control the world and avoid falling into the trap of their personal despair. It is an entrant for the October 25 Ronnies, using the keywords pain and cosmos.

A group of Gods has created a new cosmos, an infinite expanse. Or perhaps they merely found it, exploited it, and molded it to their own ends. Perhaps it summoned them into being as an expression of itself. It doesn?t matter.

They are there, and they are hardly perfect beings ? they exist through the actions of their followers, increasing in power as they do their Lord?s willing and suffering writhing, physical pain as their followers thwart and subvert them.

Eventually, they will this succumb to this pain, becoming bestial formless beings that live to harm others, dragging the whole world down with them.

Escape from Hell!

October 8th, 2005

“Escape from Hell!” is a roleplaying game where the players portray damned souls caught in Hell. Their goal is to journey through all of the spheres of Hell in order to get to the exit at the center. Through it all, they have to deal with the constant pain of being a damned soul.

“Escape from Hell!” is a result of a 24 Hour RPG contest using the terms, ?Pain? and ?Sphere.? It presents the Christian version of Hell as the true version. This is not meant to be a religious statement of any kind but merely the basis for the setting and context of the game. In other words, just have fun and don?t take it too seriously.

He awoke in agony. Michael screamed until he was hoarse and then continued screaming for what seemed like eternity. Finally, he pushed the pain down until it felt merely like a burning spike being pounded in his head. Ending his own screaming allowed him to hear the screaming all around him. He opened his eyes and sat up to see bodies writhing on the ground in every direction.

Michael heard a shout and turned to see a girl running towards him.

?Here?s one over here!? She yelled behind her, motioning towards Michael.

He waited until she arrived and asked the question burning in his head almost as hotly as the spike. ?Where the hell am I??

The girl smiled slightly and shook her head. ?Never changes. You all ask the same question and answer it in the same breath. Welcome to Hell. Sorry, can?t explain more now. I know it hurts, but we?ve got to get moving before the demons find us.?

Michael groaned, ?What could be worse than this??

The girl sighed. ?Think about what could be better. There is a way out of here and free from the pain. Or you can stay, and the demons whip you, rend you apart, feed you to a three-headed dog, and then start thinking on how to really torture you.?

Michael stood faster than he thought possible. ?Let?s go.?

The Drifter’s Escape

October 8th, 2005

The Drifter’s Escape is a game of men wandering America’s highways and byways, looking for their dreams, pursued by their pain, and hounded by both the Devil and the Man.

My traveling companions are an old yellow dog with the devil?s own farts and about a dozen loose and lonesome men we picked up somewhere. There are a few old soldiers less some of their body parts, a skin and bones mountaineer with a beard down to his rotting buckskin belt, a merchant marine with a terrible cough, a dready white girl with eyes like punched-out aces of spades, and some old hoboes who just won?t die.

Last Breath

October 8th, 2005

Last Breath is a game in which the players take the roles of the last few people on earth after a devastating plague. To survive, the characters must avoid losing their will-to-live and struggle against creeping despair. Searching for other survivors aids them in not losing all hope. Last Breath was created as part of the October 25 Ronnies, using the terms Fight and Pain. The tone is grim, the setting is modern day and realistic.

It’s the end of the world. Or it sure as hell feels like it.

You sometimes wish you knew what white-coated expert tucked away in some biological warfare lab had come up with the idea of the superplague. But it doesn’t really matter much; he’s probably dead, like the rest. Once the superplague broke out of the Level Four facility, it spread too fast for anyone to ask for a government investigation.